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Villager Duck Icon.png Duck
Maelle Picture.png
Maelle Icon.png
Modern Banner.png
Apr. 8
Favorite Saying
"A wise duck takes care of her bill."
Primary Reward Material
Material Steel.png
Group 103
Group 201
Release Date
May 10, 2022

Maelle is a snooty duck villager, whose preferred theme is modern. She can be unlocked by completing Maelle's Map.


Maelle has an aura that's hard to describe. So why try?

Requirements to Invite

Minimum Required Friendship Level: 0

This villager is a Treasure Trekker. Treasure Trekkers can immediately be called to the campsite or cabin upon completing their respective map. Maelle's Map can be obtained through Elmer's Island.

Friendship Rewards

Level Reward(s)
Level 7 Heart Tee.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Heart Tee x1 and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 9 Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1
Level 15 Int oth coffeecup.png
Coffee Cup
Special Request Craft Unlock*
Level 20 Bromide duk03.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Maelle's Pic and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 25-82
(Every 5 levels)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1

* Crafting this item and completing the villager's special request rewards the player with +10 Friendship EXP, 1,000 Bells Bells, Request Ticket x1 and Calling Card x1.

Level Unlocks

Level Unlock
Level 8 Outfit Change Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Outfit Changing
Level 10 Lost Requests Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Lost Item Requests

Related Cookies

Name Release Date Availability Reissue Dates
Fg fortune foc103 cmps.png Maelle's Mall Cookie Aug 13th, 2022 Aug. 13, 2022 - Nov. 11, 2022 Aug. 23, 2023 - Aug. 28, 2023
May 4, 2024 - May 7, 2024

Related Memories

Episode image detail 0122.png Maelle's Exciting Mall Day!

Related Classes

Name Class Catalog Category
Ftr pzl 5064025.png Spa Bathroom 50-5 Bath
Ftr pzl 5103001.png Sunny Day Mall 1 1-1 Sunny Day Mall
Ftr pzl 5103002.png Sunny Day Mall 2 2-1 Sunny Day Mall
Ftr pzl 5103003.png Sunny Day Mall 3 3-1 Sunny Day Mall
Ftr pzl 5500039.png Spa Bathroom 2 51-6 Bath

In Other Languages


Maelle Icon.png Maelle
Language Name Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) Maelle
German Sissi
Spanish (Europe) Patidifú
Spanish (Latin America) Patidifú
French (Canada) Maëlle
French (Europe) Maëlle
Italian Palmita
Japanese アンヌ Annu
Traditional Chinese 安妮 Ānnī
Korean Aen


Language Catchphrase Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) duckling
German entchen
Spanish (Europe) perla
Spanish (Latin America) perla
French (Canada) canardou
French (Europe) canardou
Italian paperotto
Japanese ふぅ fuu
Traditional Chinese tàn
Korean 우아 ua

Favorite Saying

"A wise duck takes care of her bill."
Language Favorite Saying Translation
English (Europe/Australia) "A wise duck takes care of her bill."
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Latin America)
French (Canada)
French (Europe)
Traditional Chinese


Maelle has an aura that's hard to describe. So why try?
Language Description Translation
English (Europe/Australia) Maelle has an aura that's hard to describe. So why try?
German Sissis gelangweilter Blick ist ihr Erkennungsmerkmal. Doch Vorsicht wird man davon fixiert, kann es sein, dass man auf der Stelle stehenbleibt und keinen Schritt mehr tun kann! Sissi's bored look is her trademark. But beware, if you get fixated on it, you might find yourself stuck in place and unable to take another step!
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Latin America)
French (Canada)
French (Europe)
Japanese アンニュイな雰囲気が魅力的。見つめられるとトリコになっちゃう。彼女からはなんとも言えないオーラを感じます。 Her ennui atmosphere is captivating. When she stares at you, you become entranced. You can feel an indescribable aura from her.
Traditional Chinese