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Amenities are craft items which are used to increase the max possible level of friendship a player can have with other animals as well as reward friendship EXP when revealed.

Amenity Tier and Levels

A player begins the game with a maximum possible friendship level of 7. Each theme has three tier of amenities, and each tier when built will increase the max possible friendship level a player can have with animals that have that theme. The level increases are:

Tier Max Friendship Level
1 10
2 15
3 82

Crafting an amenity is done the same way as furniture through Cyrus and Reese craft menu but in the far right tab with an icon resembling a tent. Unlike furniture, each tier of amenities has levels, and a player must craft all levels in order to unlock the next theme tier. Each tier has the following amount of levels:

Tier Amenity Levels
1 3
2 5
3 5

Each level also has associated features.

Level Features
1 Increases the maximum friendship level, takes time to craft.
Middle Levels Takes no time to craft.
Final Level Unlocks the next amenity tier, takes time to craft, changes amenity appearance.

Friendship EXP

When an amenity is unveiled, the game will randomly choose 5 animals at the player's campsite to receive EXP (if less than 5 animals are present, the missing spots will be randomly selected from animals not at the campsite).

If an animal shares the same theme as the amenity, they will receive +10 Friendship EXP while other animals only receive +5 EXP. It is recommended that before a player unveils an amenity to choose 5 animals (preferably of the same theme to maximize EXP gain) that the player would like to receive the EXP.

List of Amenities by Theme


Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Basic Tent.png
Basic Tent Lv. 1
1 None None 0 Seconds None None


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Cool Tent 1.png
Cool Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Cool Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Cool Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Cool Tent 1.png
Cool Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Cool Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Cool Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Cool Tent 2.png
Cool Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Cool Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Cool Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Street Set

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Street Set 1.png
Street Set Lv. 1
1 20 Cool Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Cool Tent Lv. 3 Cool Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Street Set 1.png
Street Set Lv. 2
1 20 Cool Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Street Set Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Street Set 1.png
Street Set Lv. 3
1 20 Cool Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Street Set Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Street Set 1.png
Street Set Lv. 4
1 20 Cool Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Street Set Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Street Set 2.png
Street Set Lv. 5
1 20 Cool Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Street Set Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Rock Stage

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Rock Stage 1.png
Rock Stage Lv. 1
1 30 Cool Essence

20 Sporty Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Street Set Lv. 5 Cool Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Rock Stage 1.png
Rock Stage Lv. 2
1 30 Cool Essence

20 Sporty Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Rock Stage Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Rock Stage 1.png
Rock Stage Lv. 3
1 30 Cool Essence

20 Sporty Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Rock Stage Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Rock Stage 1.png
Rock Stage Lv. 4
1 30 Cool Essence

20 Sporty Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Rock Stage Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Rock Stage 2.png
Rock Stage Lv. 5
1 30 Cool Essence

20 Sporty Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Rock Stage Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Cute Tent 1.png
Cute Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Cute Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Cute Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Cute Tent 1.png
Cute Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Cute Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Cute Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Cute Tent 2.png
Cute Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Cute Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Cute Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Tree Swing

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 1
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Cute Tent Lv. 3 Cute Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 2
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 3
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 4
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 2.png
Tree Swing Lv. 5
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Tree Swing Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Merry-Go-Round

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Merry-Go-Round 1.png
Merry-Go-Round Lv. 1
1 30 Cute Essence

20 Cool Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Tree Swing Lv. 5 Cute Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Merry-Go-Round 1.png
Merry-Go-Round Lv. 2
1 30 Cute Essence

20 Cool Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Merry-Go-Round Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Merry-Go-Round 1.png
Merry-Go-Round Lv. 3
1 30 Cute Essence

20 Cool Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Merry-Go-Round Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Merry-Go-Round 1.png
Merry-Go-Round Lv. 4
1 30 Cute Essence

20 Cool Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Merry-Go-Round Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Merry-Go-Round 2.png
Merry-Go-Round Lv. 5
1 30 Cute Essence

20 Cool Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Merry-Go-Round Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Natural Tent 1.png
Natural Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Natural Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Natural Tent 1.png
Natural Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Natural Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Natural Tent 2.png
Natural Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Natural Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Picnic Set

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Picnic Set 1.png
Picnic Set Lv. 1
1 20 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Natural Tent Lv. 3 Natural Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Picnic Set 1.png
Picnic Set Lv. 2
1 20 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Picnic Set Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Picnic Set 1.png
Picnic Set Lv. 3
1 20 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

30 Paper
3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Picnic Set Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Picnic Set 1.png
Picnic Set Lv. 4
1 20 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Picnic Set Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Picnic Set 2.png
Picnic Set Lv. 5
1 20 Natural Essence

30 Cotton

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Picnic Set Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Tree House

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Tree House 1.png
Tree House Lv. 1
1 30 Natural Essence

20 Cute Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Picnic Set Lv. 5 Natural Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Tree House 1.png
Tree House Lv. 2
1 30 Natural Essence

20 Cute Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree House Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree House 1.png
Tree House Lv. 3
1 30 Natural Essence

20 Cute Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree House Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree House 1.png
Tree House Lv. 4
1 30 Natural Essence

20 Cute Essence

50 Wood

50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree House Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree House 2.png
Tree House Lv. 5
1 30 Natural Essence

20 Cute Essence
50 Wood
50 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Tree House Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Sporty Tent 1.png
Sporty Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Sporty Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Sporty Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Sporty Tent 1.png
Sporty Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Sporty Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Sporty Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Sporty Tent 2.png
Sporty Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Sporty Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Sporty Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Half-Pipe

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Half-Pipe 1.png
Half-Pipe Lv. 1
1 20 Sporty Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Sporty Tent Lv. 3 Sporty Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Half-Pipe 1.png
Half-Pipe Lv. 2
1 20 Sporty Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Half-Pipe Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Half-Pipe 1.png
Half-Pipe Lv. 3
1 20 Sporty Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Half-Pipe Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Half-Pipe 1.png
Half-Pipe Lv. 4
1 20 Sporty Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Half-Pipe Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Half-Pipe 2.png
Half-Pipe Lv. 5
1 20 Sporty Essence

30 Wood

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Half-Pipe Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Pool Set

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Pool Set 1.png
Pool Set Lv. 1
1 30 Sporty Essence

20 Natural Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Half-Pipe Lv. 5 Sporty Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Pool Set 1.png
Pool Set Lv. 2
1 30 Sporty Essence

20 Natural Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Pool Set Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Pool Set 1.png
Pool Set Lv. 3
1 30 Sporty Essence

20 Natural Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Pool Set Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Pool Set 1.png
Pool Set Lv. 4
1 30 Sporty Essence

20 Natural Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Pool Set Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Pool Set 2.png
Pool Set Lv. 5
1 30 Sporty Essence

20 Natural Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Pool Set Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Rustic Tent 1.png
Rustic Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Rustic Essence

30 Cotton
3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Rustic Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Rustic Tent 1.png
Rustic Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Rustic Essence

30 Cotton
3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Rustic Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Rustic Tent 2.png
Rustic Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Rustic Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Rustic Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Canvas Hammock

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Canvas Hammock 1.png
Canvas Hammock Lv. 1
1 20 Rustic Essence

30 Wood

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Rustic Tent Lv. 3 Rustic Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Canvas Hammock 1.png
Canvas Hammock Lv. 2
1 20 Rustic Essence

30 Wood

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Canvas Hammock Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Canvas Hammock 1.png
Canvas Hammock Lv. 3
1 20 Rustic Essence

30 Wood

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Canvas Hammock Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Canvas Hammock 1.png
Canvas Hammock Lv. 4
1 20 Rustic Essence

30 Wood

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Canvas Hammock Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Canvas Hammock 2.png
Canvas Hammock Lv. 5
1 20 Rustic Essence

30 Wood

30 Paper

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Canvas Hammock Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Hot-Air Balloon

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Hot-Air Balloon 1.png
Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 1
1 30 Rustic Essence

20 Sporty Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Canvas Hammock Lv. 5 Rustic Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Hot-Air Balloon 1.png
Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 2
1 30 Rustic Essence

20 Sporty Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Hot-Air Balloon 1.png
Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 3
1 30 Rustic Essence

20 Sporty Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Hot-Air Balloon 1.png
Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 4
1 30 Rustic Essence

20 Sporty Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Hot-Air Balloon 2.png
Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 5
1 30 Rustic Essence

20 Sporty Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Hot-Air Balloon Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Mush Tent 1.png
Mush Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Hip Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Hip Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Mush Tent 1.png
Mush Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Hip Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Mush Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Mush Tent 2.png
Mush Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Hip Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Mush Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Patchwork Ghost Sofa

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Patchwork Ghost Sofa 1.png
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 1
1 20 Hip Essence

30 Paper

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Mush Tent Lv. 3 Hip Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Patchwork Ghost Sofa 1.png
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 2
1 20 Hip Essence

30 Paper

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Patchwork Ghost Sofa 1.png
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 3
1 20 Hip Essence

30 Paper

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Patchwork Ghost Sofa 1.png
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 4
1 20 Hip Essence

30 Paper

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Patchwork Ghost Sofa 2.png
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 5
1 20 Hip Essence

30 Paper

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Bouncy Cake

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Bouncy Cake 1.png
Bouncy Cake Lv. 1
1 30 Hip Essence

20 Rustic Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 5 Hip Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Bouncy Cake 1.png
Bouncy Cake Lv. 2
1 30 Hip Essence

20 Rustic Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bouncy Cake Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Bouncy Cake 1.png
Bouncy Cake Lv. 3
1 30 Hip Essence

20 Rustic Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bouncy Cake Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Bouncy Cake 1.png
Bouncy Cake Lv. 4
1 30 Hip Essence

20 Rustic Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bouncy Cake Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Bouncy Cake 2.png
Bouncy Cake Lv. 5
1 30 Hip Essence

20 Rustic Essence

100 Paper

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Bouncy Cake Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj ori tent00 00.png
Harmonious Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Harmonious Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Harmonious Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj ori tent00 00.png
Harmonious Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Harmonious Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Harmonious Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori tent00 01.png
Harmonious Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Harmonious Essence

30 Cotton

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Harmonious Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Exotic Fountain

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj ori fountain00 00.png
Exotic Fountain Lv. 1
1 20 Harmonious Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Harmonious Tent Lv. 3 Harmonious Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj ori fountain00 00.png
Exotic Fountain Lv. 2
1 20 Harmonious Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Exotic Fountain Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori fountain00 00.png
Exotic Fountain Lv. 3
1 20 Harmonious Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Exotic Fountain Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori fountain00 00.png
Exotic Fountain Lv. 4
1 20 Harmonious Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Exotic Fountain Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori fountain00 01.png
Exotic Fountain Lv. 5
1 20 Harmonious Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Exotic Fountain Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Redd's Shrine

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj ori temple00 00.png
Redd's Shrine Lv. 1
1 30 Harmonious Essence

20 Hip Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Exotic Fountain Lv. 5 Harmonious Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj ori temple00 00.png
Redd's Shrine Lv. 2
1 30 Harmonious Essence

20 Hip Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Redd's Shrine Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori temple00 00.png
Redd's Shrine Lv. 3
1 30 Harmonious Essence

20 Hip Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Redd's Shrine Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori temple00 00.png
Redd's Shrine Lv. 4
1 30 Harmonious Essence

20 Hip Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Redd's Shrine Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ori temple00 01.png
Redd's Shrine Lv. 5
1 30 Harmonious Essence

20 Hip Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Redd's Shrine Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj ggs garden00 00.png
Elegant Fountain Lv. 1
1 10 Elegant Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Elegant Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj ggs garden00 00.png
Elegant Fountain Lv. 2
1 10 Elegant Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Elegant Fountain Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ggs garden00 01.png
Elegant Fountain Lv. 3
1 10 Elegant Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Elegant Fountain Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Noble Carriage

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Noble Carriage 1.png
Noble Carriage Lv. 1
1 20 Elegant Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Elegant Fountain Lv. 3 Elegant Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Noble Carriage 1.png
Noble Carriage Lv. 2
1 20 Elegant Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Noble Carriage Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Noble Carriage 1.png
Noble Carriage Lv. 3
1 20 Elegant Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Noble Carriage Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Noble Carriage 1.png
Noble Carriage Lv. 4
1 20 Elegant Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Noble Carriage Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ggs carriage00 01.png
Noble Carriage Lv. 5
1 20 Elegant Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Noble Carriage Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Regal Castle

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj ggs castle00 00.png
Regal Castle Lv. 1
1 30 Elegant Essence

20 Harmonious Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Noble Carriage Lv. 5 Elegant Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj ggs castle00 00.png
Regal Castle Lv. 2
1 30 Elegant Essence

20 Harmonious Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Regal Castle Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ggs castle00 00.png
Regal Castle Lv. 3
1 30 Elegant Essence

20 Harmonious Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Regal Castle Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ggs castle00 00.png
Regal Castle Lv. 4
1 30 Elegant Essence

20 Harmonious Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Regal Castle Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj ggs castle00 01.png
Regal Castle Lv. 5
1 30 Elegant Essence

20 Harmonious Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Regal Castle Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj mdn tent00 00.png
Modern Tent Lv. 1
1 10 Modern Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Modern Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj mdn tent00 00.png
Modern Tent Lv. 2
1 10 Modern Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Modern Tent Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn tent00 01.png
Modern Tent Lv. 3
1 10 Modern Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Modern Tent Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Honeycomb Library

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj mdn library00 00.png
Honeycomb Library Lv. 1
1 20 Modern Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Modern Tent Lv. 3 Modern Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj mdn library00 00.png
Honeycomb Library Lv. 2
1 20 Modern Essence

60 Steel
3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Honeycomb Library Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn library00 00.png
Honeycomb Library Lv. 3
1 20 Modern Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Honeycomb Library Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn library00 00.png
Honeycomb Library Lv. 4
1 20 Modern Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Honeycomb Library Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn library00 01.png
Honeycomb Library Lv. 5
1 20 Modern Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Honeycomb Library Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Modernist House

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj mdn bldg00 00.png
Modernist House Lv. 1
1 30 Modern Essence

20 Elegant Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Honeycomb Library Lv. 5 Modern Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj mdn bldg00 00.png
Modernist House Lv. 2
1 30 Modern Essence

20 Elegant Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Modernist House Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn bldg00 00.png
Modernist House Lv. 3
1 30 Modern Essence

20 Elegant Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Modernist House Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn bldg00 00.png
Modernist House Lv. 4
1 30 Modern Essence

20 Elegant Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Modernist House Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj mdn bldg00 01.png
Modernist House Lv. 5
1 30 Modern Essence

20 Elegant Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Modernist House Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj old temple00 00.png
Ancient Temple Lv. 1
1 10 Historical Essence

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Historical Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj old temple00 00.png
Ancient Temple Lv. 2
1 10 Historical Essence

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Ancient Temple Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old temple00 01.png
Ancient Temple Lv. 3
1 10 Historical Essence

30 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Ancient Temple Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Locomotive Station

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj old locomotive00 00.png
Locomotive Station Lv. 1
1 20 Historical Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Ancient Temple Lv. 3 Historical Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj old locomotive00 00.png
Locomotive Station Lv. 2
1 20 Historical Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Locomotive Station Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old locomotive00 00.png
Locomotive Station Lv. 3
1 20 Historical Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Locomotive Station Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old locomotive00 00.png
Locomotive Station Lv. 4
1 20 Historical Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Locomotive Station Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old locomotive00 01.png
Locomotive Station Lv. 5
1 20 Historical Essence

30 Steel

30 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Locomotive Station Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Clockwork Tower

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj old clock00 00.png
Clockwork Tower Lv. 1
1 30 Historical Essence

20 Modern Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Locomotive Station Lv. 5 Historical Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj old clock00 00.png
Clockwork Tower Lv. 2
1 30 Historical Essence

20 Modern Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Clockwork Tower Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old clock00 00.png
Clockwork Tower Lv. 3
1 30 Historical Essence

20 Modern Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Clockwork Tower Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old clock00 00.png
Clockwork Tower Lv. 4
1 30 Historical Essence

20 Modern Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Clockwork Tower Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj old clock00 01.png
Clockwork Tower Lv. 5
1 30 Historical Essence

20 Modern Essence

100 Steel

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Clockwork Tower Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling


Tier 1

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj pub park00 00.png
Pipe Park Lv. 1
1 10 Civic Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Unlocked at Level 5 Civic Animals Max Friendship Level 10

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj pub park00 00.png
Pipe Park Lv. 2
1 10 Civic Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Pipe Park Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub park00 01.png
Pipe Park Lv. 3
1 10 Civic Essence

15 Steel

15 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 12 Hour(s) Pipe Park Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks High-Rise Office Building

Tier 2

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj pub office00 00.png
High-Rise Office Building Lv. 1
1 20 Civic Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Pipe Park Lv. 3 Civic Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj pub office00 00.png
High-Rise Office Building Lv. 2
1 20 Civic Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds High-Rise Office Building Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub office00 00.png
High-Rise Office Building Lv. 3
1 20 Civic Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds High-Rise Office Building Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub office00 00.png
High-Rise Office Building Lv. 4
1 20 Civic Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds High-Rise Office Building Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub office00 01.png
High-Rise Office Building Lv. 5
1 20 Civic Essence

60 Steel

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) High-Rise Office Building Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Bronze Twins Fountain

Tier 3

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj pub statue00 00.png
Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 1
1 30 Civic Essence

20 Historical Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) High-Rise Office Building Lv. 5 Civic Animals Max Friendship Level 82

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Lobj pub statue00 00.png
Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 2
1 30 Civic Essence

20 Historical Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub statue00 00.png
Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 3
1 30 Civic Essence

20 Historical Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub statue00 00.png
Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 4
1 30 Civic Essence

20 Historical Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Lobj pub statue00 01.png
Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 5
1 30 Civic Essence

20 Historical Essence

50 Steel

50 Wood

5,000 Bells Bells 72 Hour(s) Bronze Twins Fountain Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Limited Event

Winter Sports

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Snow Park 1.png
Snow Park Lv. 1
1 100 Snowflakes 1,000 Bells Bells 2 Hour(s) none +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Snow Park 2.png
Snow Park Lv. 2
1 150 Snowflakes 1,000 Bells Bells 2 Hour(s) Snow Park Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt 12 (Sanrio Characters Collection)

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj tre01 tent00 00.png
Hello Kitty Tent Lv. 1
1 500 Hello Kitty Gyroidite 8,600 Bells Bells 24 Hour(s) none +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj tre01 balloon00 00.png
Hello Kitty Balloon Lv. 1
1 300 Leaf Ticket Leaf Ticket 0 Bells Bells 0 Seconds none +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Halloween Candy Hunt

Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Lobj tre04 castle00 00.png
Jack's Creepy Castle Lv. 1
1 400 Creepy Confection 9,600 Bells Bells 24 Hour(s) none +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling