Camp Manager Level

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The camp manager level is the player's own level as they progress through the game. Each experience point towards the camp manager level comes from increasing the friendship level of villagers.

Rewards are given at each level up which normally consists of 1,000 Bells and 10 Leaf Tickets. Depending on the level reached, more rewards can be earned as well, including Inventory expansion, Market Box expansion, Request Tickets, and more.

List of Pts. Needed to Reach Next Level

Graph of points required per level with highlights on levels after drops.
Current Level Pts. to Next Level
1-11 5 Pts.
12-13 6 Pts.
14-15 7 Pts.
16 8 Pts.
17-18 9 Pts.
19-35 10 Pts.
36 12 Pts.
37 13 Pts.
38-39 14 Pts.
40-41 16 Pts.
42 18 Pts.
43-123 20 Pts.
124-169 25 Pts.
170-232 30 Pts.
233-273 35 Pts.
274 10 Pts.
275-276 15 Pts.
277-278 20 Pts.
279-281 25 Pts.
282-284 30 Pts.
285-289 35 Pts.
290-293 40 Pts.
294-299 25 Pts.
300-304 30 Pts.
305-309 35 Pts.
310-314 40 Pts.
315-317 45 Pts.
318-321 50 Pts.
322-323 55 Pts.
324 60 Pts.
325-328 25 Pts.
329-332 30 Pts.
333-338 35 Pts.
339-343 40 Pts.
344-351 45 Pts.
352-353 50 Pts.
354-355 55 Pts.
356 60 Pts.
357-358 20 Pts.
359-360 25 Pts.
361-364 30 Pts.
365-372 35 Pts.
373-382 40 Pts.
383-389 45 Pts.
390-394 50 Pts.
395-399 55 Pts.
400 60 Pts.
401-402 20 Pts.
403-404 25 Pts.
405-409 30 Pts.
410-414 35 Pts.
415-422 40 Pts.
423-426 45 Pts.
427-430 50 Pts.
431-434 55 Pts.
435 60 Pts.
436 20 Pts.
437-438 25 Pts.
439-442 30 Pts.
443-448 35 Pts.
449-454 40 Pts.
455-460 45 Pts.
461-464 50 Pts.
465-469 55 Pts.
470-474 60 Pts.
475-479 65 Pts.
480-483 70 Pts.
484-487 75 Pts.
488 80 Pts.
489 30 Pts.
490-492 35 Pts.
493-495 40 Pts.
496-499 45 Pts.
500-504 50 Pts.
505-509 55 Pts.
510-513 60 Pts.
514-515 65 Pts.
516-517 70 Pts.
518-519 75 Pts.
520-521 80 Pts.
522 30 Pts.
523-524 35 Pts.
525-527 40 Pts.
528-531 45 Pts.
532-536 50 Pts.
537-542 55 Pts.
543-548 60 Pts.
549-551 65 Pts.
552-553 70 Pts.

List of Rewards per Level

Upon levelling up, a player is given rewards. There is a general pattern for some of the level up rewards as follows:

  • The standard reward is 1,000 Bells and 10 Leaf Tickets, and this is rewarded every time a player levels up.
  • Every 5 levels, a player is also rewarded 10 Leaf Tickets and 1 Request Ticket.

In addition, there are level up rewards/unlocks at certain levels for the following:

Inventory, Market Box, and Craft Material Limit Expansions

There are also additional rewards given at certain levels such as Inventory Expansion, Market Box Expansion, and craft material inventory limit increase. The following chart shows when these rewards are given:

Level Reward(s) for reaching this Level
  • 200 Inventory Spaces
  • 4 Market Box Slots
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • Increases the maximum amount of craft materials a player can hold
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • Increases the maximum amount of craft materials a player can hold
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • Increases the maximum amount of craft materials a player can hold
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • Increases the maximum amount of craft materials a player can hold
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +1 Market Box Slot
  • Increases the maximum amount of craft materials a player can hold
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space
  • +10 Inventory Space (510 total)

Utility Unlocks

Unlocks that affect the player in other ways, such as unlocking a new feature or service.

Level Unlock(s)

Villager Level Unlocks

Related: Villagers

When a player's camp manager level increases, villagers are unlocked. Which villager is unlocked is based on that villager's tier and excludes villagers unlocked through Gulliver and Blathers. A player will unlock all the villagers in a lower tier before unlocking villagers in a higher tier. For example, Beau is a Tier 3 while Stella is Tier 6. This means a player will always unlock Beau before Stella.

By level 76, a player will have unlocked all 128 villagers possible, and the other 285 villagers will have to be obtained through their Maps.

Tier Player Level Amount Unlocked Friendship Level to Invite Villagers
1 Level 1 All 5 Friendship Level 1 Apollo Icon.png Apollo
Filbert Icon.png Filbert
Goldie Icon.png Goldie
Jay Icon.png Jay
Rosie Icon.png Rosie
2 Levels
2 - 5
1 per level Friendship Level 3 Bam Icon.png Bam
Dotty Icon.png Dotty
Eugene Icon.png Eugene
Freya Icon.png Freya
Merry Icon.png Merry
3 Levels
6 - 19
2 per level Friendship Level 3 Ava Icon.png Ava
Beau Icon.png Beau
Bianca Icon.png Bianca
Bluebear Icon.png Bluebear
Boots Icon.png Boots
Bunnie Icon.png Bunnie
Butch Icon.png Butch
Carmen Icon.png Carmen
Cherry Icon.png Cherry
Curt Icon.png Curt
Egbert Icon.png Egbert
Elise Icon.png Elise
Eloise Icon.png Eloise
Fang Icon.png Fang
Goose Icon.png Goose
Kidd Icon.png Kidd
Lily Icon.png Lily
Margie Icon.png Margie
Muffy Icon.png Muffy
Naomi Icon.png Naomi
Puck Icon.png Puck
Robin Icon.png Robin
Rocco Icon.png Rocco
Shari Icon.png Shari
Tex Icon.png Tex
Tia Icon.png Tia
Vesta Icon.png Vesta
Wendy Icon.png Wendy
4 Levels
20 - 37
2 per level Friendship Level 5 Alice Icon.png Alice
Antonio Icon.png Antonio
Apple Icon.png Apple
Aurora Icon.png Aurora
Bill Icon.png Bill
Bob Icon.png Bob
Bree Icon.png Bree
Broccolo Icon.png Broccolo
Bud Icon.png Bud
Carrie Icon.png Carrie
Chevre Icon.png Chevre
Chrissy Icon.png Chrissy
Cube Icon.png Cube
Diana Icon.png Diana
Drago Icon.png Drago
Drake Icon.png Drake
Flurry Icon.png Flurry
Fuchsia Icon.png Fuchsia
Gaston Icon.png Gaston
Hans Icon.png Hans
June Icon.png June
Ketchup Icon.png Ketchup
Kid Cat Icon.png Kid Cat
Kiki Icon.png Kiki
Lobo Icon.png Lobo
Lucky Icon.png Lucky
Maggie Icon.png Maggie
Mira Icon.png Mira
Mitzi Icon.png Mitzi
Patty Icon.png Patty
Phoebe Icon.png Phoebe
Punchy Icon.png Punchy
Rodeo Icon.png Rodeo
Sandy Icon.png Sandy
Skye Icon.png Skye
Sprinkle Icon.png Sprinkle
Static Icon.png Static
Tad Icon.png Tad
Tank Icon.png Tank
Twiggy Icon.png Twiggy
5 Levels
38 - 44
2 per level Friendship Level 5 or 7 Anicotti Icon.png Anicotti
Colton Icon.png Colton
Gladys Icon.png Gladys
Jitters Icon.png Jitters
Julia Icon.png Julia
Maple Icon.png Maple
Molly Icon.png Molly
Pekoe Icon.png Pekoe
Poppy Icon.png Poppy
Zell Icon.png Zell
6 Levels
45 - 71
2 per level
(From 45 to 52)

1 per level
(From 53 to 71)
Friendship Level 7
(5 for Stitches)
Agnes Icon.png Agnes
Alfonso Icon.png Alfonso
Angus Icon.png Angus
Avery Icon.png Avery
Bitty Icon.png Bitty
Charlise Icon.png Charlise
Cheri Icon.png Cheri
Claudia Icon.png Claudia
Fauna Icon.png Fauna
Flip Icon.png Flip
Francine Icon.png Francine
Hamlet Icon.png Hamlet
Hopkins Icon.png Hopkins
Julian Icon.png Julian
Kyle Icon.png Kyle
Marshal Icon.png Marshal
Merengue Icon.png Merengue
Moe Icon.png Moe
Octavian Icon.png Octavian
Peanut Icon.png Peanut
Peewee Icon.png Peewee
Pierce Icon.png Pierce
Pietro Icon.png Pietro
Raddle Icon.png Raddle
Rex Icon.png Rex
Roald Icon.png Roald
Roscoe Icon.png Roscoe
Snake Icon.png Snake
Stella Icon.png Stella
Stitches Icon.png Stitches
Tom Icon.png Tom
Tucker Icon.png Tucker
Vic Icon.png Vic
Whitney Icon.png Whitney
Wolfgang Icon.png Wolfgang
7 Levels
72 - 76
1 per level Friendship Level 7 Boone Icon.png Boone
Cobb Icon.png Cobb
Diva Icon.png Diva
Penelope Icon.png Penelope
Ribbot Icon.png Ribbot

Furniture and Clothing Level Unlocks

Most furniture is unlocked by also unlocking the corresponding villager that loves that piece of furniture (See Table of Furniture Villagers Love); however, there are some furniture which are unlocked as a player levels up, the following chart details which furniture these are and when they're unlocked.

All craftable clothing is unlocked as a player levels.

Level Furniture Unlocked Clothing Unlocked
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None