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Villager Anteater Icon.png Anteater
Antonio Picture.png
Antonio Icon.png
Sporty Banner.png
Oct. 20
Favorite Saying
"Always go for the burn!"
Primary Reward Material
Material Steel.png
Group 103
Group 205
Release Date
Dec. 5, 2017

Antonio is a jock anteater villager, whose preferred theme is sporty. He can be unlocked through leveling up.


Antonio is the kind of guy who likes to keep it real—in a literal sense. Seriously, he's a nonfiction enthusiast.

Requirements to Invite

Minimum Required Friendship Level: 5

Furniture Name Materials Bell Cost Craft Time
Int oth cdrack.png
CD Shelf
30 Wood

30 Steel

3 Cool Essence
2,410 Bells Bells 9 Hour(s)
Furniture Refrigerator.png
60 Steel

3 Natural Essence
2,330 Bells Bells 8 Hour(s)
Rmk blu chairS.png
Blue Chair
30 Wood 1,240 Bells Bells 1 Hour(s)
Rmk blu tableL.png
Blue Table
60 Wood

3 Natural Essence
1,930 Bells Bells 11 Hour(s)
Furniture Sink.png
15 Wood

15 Steel
1,320 Bells Bells 1 Hour(s)

Friendship Rewards

Level Reward(s)
Level 7 Big-Star Tee.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Big-Star Tee x1 and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 9 Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1
Level 15 Furniture Mouth of Truth.png
Mouth of Truth
Special Request Craft Unlock*
Level 20 Furniture Pic of Antonio.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Antonio's Pic and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 25-82
(Every 5 levels)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1

* Crafting this item and completing the villager's special request rewards the player with +10 Friendship EXP, 1,000 Bells Bells, Request Ticket x1 and Calling Card x1.

Level Unlocks

Level Unlock
Level 6 Outfit Change Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Outfit Changing
Level 8 Lost Requests Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Lost Item Requests

Related Cookies

  • None

Related Memories

  • None

Related Classes

Name Class Catalog Category
11 6Thumbnail.png Bold Blue Furniture 2 11-6 Blue Series
Ftr pzl 2200007.png Bold Blue Furniture 2-3 Blue Series
Ftr pzl 5402019.png Lottie's Autumn Picnic 4-1 Outdoor

In Other Languages


Antonio Icon.png Antonio
Language Name Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) Antonio
German Siggi
Spanish (Europe) Antonio
Spanish (Latin America) Antonio
French (Canada) Antonio
French (Europe) Antonio
Italian Antonio
Japanese マコト makoto
Traditional Chinese 阿誠 ā chéng
Korean 퍼머거 peomeogeo


Language Catchphrase Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) honk
German schlürrrf
Spanish (Europe) fufuf
Spanish (Latin America) fufuf
French (Canada) pouet
French (Europe) pouet
Italian honk
Japanese ホントに hontoni
Traditional Chinese 真誠 zhēn chéng
Korean 진짜로 jinjjaro

Favorite Saying

"Always go for the burn!"
Language Favorite Saying Translation
English (Europe/Australia) "Always go for the burn!"
German „Immer schön feste drauf!“ “Keep going strong!”
Spanish (Europe) "¡Vive al máximo la vida!" "Live life to the fullest!"
Spanish (Latin America) "¡Vive la vida al máximo!" "Live life to the fullest!"
French (Canada) « Une vie sans risques, c'est comme une platine sans disque ! » “A life without risks is like a turntable without records!”
French (Europe) « Une vie sans risques, c'est comme une platine sans disque ! » “A life without risks is like a turntable without records!”
Italian "Dai sempre il massimo!" "Always give your best!"
Japanese 「ホンモノしこう本物志向」 "Let's do the real thing, we want the real thing"
Traditional Chinese 「追求真誠」 "The pursuit of sincerity"
Korean 진품 최고 Genuine best


Antonio is the kind of guy who likes to keep it real—in a literal sense. Seriously, he's a nonfiction enthusiast.
Language Description Translation
English (Europe/Australia) Antonio is the kind of guy who likes to keep it real—in a literal sense. Seriously, he's a nonfiction enthusiast.
German Für Siggi ist das Wichtigste im Leben Authentizität. Ehrlich zu sein, bedeutet für ihn, cool zu sein. Er glaubt fest daran, dass man am besten geradeheraus sagt, was Sache ist. For Siggi, the most important thing in life is authenticity. For him, being honest means being cool. He firmly believes that the best way to say what's going on is to be honest.
Spanish (Europe) Antonio es un tío auténtico. Si no eres auténtico, no molas nada. Que conste que eso lo dice él, aunque sin ánimo de ofender... Antonio is a genuine guy. If you're not genuine, you're not cool. Let it be known that he says that, although I don't mean to offend...
Spanish (Latin America) Antonio es un tipo auténtico. Si no eres auténtico, no vales la pena. Que conste que eso lo dice él, aunque sin ánimo de ofender... Antonio is a genuine guy. If you're not genuine, you're not worth it. Let it be known that he says that, although I don't mean to offend...
French (Canada) Pour lui, rien ne compte plus que l'authenticité, car c'est ce qui rend les gens cool. Seule lui importe la vérité, et il préfère être franc et direct plutôt que de tourner autour du pot. For him, nothing matters more than authenticity, because that's what makes people cool. All he cares about is the truth, and he'd rather be frank and direct than beat around the bush.
French (Europe) Pour lui, rien ne compte plus que l'authenticité, car c'est ce qui rend les gens cool. Seule lui importe la vérité, et il préfère être franc et direct plutôt que de tourner autour du pot. For him, nothing matters more than authenticity, because that's what makes people cool. All he cares about is the truth, and he'd rather be frank and direct than beat around the bush.
Italian Per Antonio la sincerità è la cosa più importante della vita, ed essere schietti significa essere persone simpatiche. Anche quando scherza dice sempre la verità... For Antonio sincerity is the most important thing in life, and being frank means being a nice person. Even when he jokes he always tells the truth...
Japanese 本物かどうかが、一番重要だと思って いるマコト。どうやら本物だって事が カッコイイ事らしい。ウソから出た マコトって場合もあるけどね。 Makoto thinks that the most important thing is whether it's real or not. It seems that being real is cool. There are cases where the real thing comes from a lie, though.
Traditional Chinese 阿誠認為真誠與否 是最重要的事。 他似乎認為真誠等同於帥氣, 不過有時候謊言也會成真喔。 Ah Cheng believes that sincerity or not is the most important thing. He seems to think sincerity equals handsomeness, but sometimes lies can come true.
Korean 진실을 가장 중요하게 여기는 퍼머거. 진실이 제일 멋지다고 생각하나 봐. 선의의 거짓말은 넘어가 주라. A perm that values ​​truth above all else. I guess he thinks truth is the most wonderful thing. Forget about white lies.