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Villager Chicken Icon.png Chicken
Ava Picture.png
Ava Icon.png
Rustic Banner.png
Apr. 28
Favorite Saying
"Early to bed, early to rise."
Primary Reward Material
Material Wood.png
Group 103
Group 206
Release Date
Jan. 7, 2018

Ava is a normal chicken villager, whose preferred theme is rustic. She can be unlocked through leveling up.


Ava enjoys living a clean, healthy lifestyle. She's never once found it boring. For her, the epitome of excitement is eating a carrot. To each their own...

Requirements to Invite

Minimum Required Friendship Level: 3

Furniture Name Materials Bell Cost Craft Time
Furniture Paella.png
6 Preserves 710 Bells Bells 1 Minute(s)
Rmk log chairS01.png
Cabin Chair
6 Wood 630 Bells Bells 1 Minute(s)
Furniture Wood-Plank Table.png
Wood-Plank Table
6 Wood 450 Bells Bells 1 Minute(s)
Furniture Smoker.png
15 Preserves

15 Steel
810 Bells Bells 1 Hour(s)
Fence 26 int.png
Log Fence
6 Wood 270 Bells Bells 1 Minute(s)

Friendship Rewards

Level Reward(s)
Level 7 Checkerboard Tee.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Checkerboard Tee x1 and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 9 Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1
Level 15 Rmk big egg.png
Large Egg
Special Request Craft Unlock*
Level 20 Furniture Pic of Ava.png Material Sparkle Stones.png
Ava's Pic and Sparkle Stones x1
Level 25-82
(Every 5 levels)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
Sparkle Stones x1

* Crafting this item and completing the villager's special request rewards the player with +10 Friendship EXP, 1,000 Bells Bells, Request Ticket x1 and Calling Card x1.

Level Unlocks

Level Unlock
Level 4 Outfit Change Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Outfit Changing
Level 6 Lost Requests Unlock Icon.png
Unlocks Lost Item Requests

Related Cookies

Name Release Date Availability Reissue Dates
Fg fortune foc163 cmps.png Ava's Oven-Fresh Cookie Nov 1st, 2024 Nov. 1, 2024 - Nov. 28, 2024

Related Memories

Episode image detail 0181.png Baked-with-Love Pie Shop

Related Classes

Name Class Catalog Category
Ftr pzl 2200043.png Kitchenette Room 7-3 Kitchen
Ftr pzl 2200048.png Kitchenette Room 2 7-8 Kitchen
Ftr pzl 3400013.png Lottie's Bustling Buffet 4-1 Food
Ftr pzl 6000001.png Oven-Fresh Pie Shop 1 1-1 Oven-Fresh Pie Shop
Ftr pzl 6000002.png Oven-Fresh Pie Shop 2 2-1 Oven-Fresh Pie Shop
Ftr pzl 6000003.png Oven-Fresh Pie Shop 3 3-1 Oven-Fresh Pie Shop

In Other Languages


Ava Icon.png Ava
Language Name Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) Ava
German Gisela
Spanish (Europe) Ava
Spanish (Latin America) Ava
French (Canada) Eva
French (Europe) Eva
Italian Ava
Japanese ドミグラ Domigura
Traditional Chinese 陶米咕 Táo Mǐgū
Korean 에바 Eba


Language Catchphrase Romanization
English (Europe/Australia) beaker
German biiika
Spanish (Europe) piquito
Spanish (Latin America) piquito
French (Canada) cô-cômment
French (Europe) cô-cômment
Italian sbecsbec
Japanese のよぉ noyō
Traditional Chinese 是唷 Shì yō
Korean 그랬대요 geulaessdaeyo

Favorite Saying

"Early to bed, early to rise."
Language Favorite Saying Translation
English (Europe/Australia) "Early to bed, early to rise."
German „Ich bin ein Frühaufsteher. Und eine Nachteule." "I'm an early riser. And a night owl."
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Latin America)
French (Canada) « Tôt couché, tôt levé : l'avenir appartient à ceux qui méprisent la panne d'oreiller ! » "Early to bed, early to rise: the future belongs to those who disdain the snooze button!"
French (Europe) « Tôt couché, tôt levé : l'avenir appartient à ceux qui méprisent la panne d'oreiller ! » "Early to bed, early to rise: the future belongs to those who disdain the snooze button!"
Italian "Le matin ha l'oro in bocca." "The morning has gold in its mouth."
Japanese 「早寝早起き、病知らず」 "Early to bed, early to rise to stay healthy"
Traditional Chinese 「早睡早起身體好」 "Early to bed, early to rise, good health."
Korean 일찍 자고 일찍 일어나는 게 보약 "Early to bed and early to rise is the best medicine."


Ava enjoys living a clean, healthy lifestyle. She's never once found it boring. For her, the epitome of excitement is eating a carrot. To each their own...
Language Description Translation
English (Europe/Australia) Ava enjoys living a clean, healthy lifestyle. She's never once found it boring. For her, the epitome of excitement is eating a carrot. To each their own...
German Für Gisela geht nichts über einen gesunden Lebensstil. Anders als viele findet sie diesen allerdings nicht langweilig oder mühselig. Sie sagt, dass es ihr so einfach am besten gefällt. For Gisela, nothing beats a healthy lifestyle. Unlike many people, however, she doesn't find it boring or tedious. She says that she likes it best this way.
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Latin America)
French (Canada) Eva mène une vie simple et saine. Et contrairement à ceux qui trouvent ce style de vie frustrant, elle n'en changerait pour rien au monde, car c'est celui qui lui correspond le mieux. Eva lives a simple and healthy life. And unlike those who find this lifestyle frustrating, she wouldn't change it for anything in the world, because it's the one that suits her best.
French (Europe) Eva mène une vie simple et saine. Et contrairement à ceux qui trouvent ce style de vie frustrant, elle n'en changerait pour rien au monde, car c'est celui qui lui correspond le mieux. Eva lives a simple and healthy life. And unlike those who find this lifestyle frustrating, she wouldn't change it for anything in the world, because it's the one that suits her best.
Italian Ava conduce uno stile di vita sano e pulito. A lei va bene cosi, non lo trova noioso. mondo è bello perché è vario, e per Ava vivere senza vizi è il miglior modo di vivere. Ava lives a healthy and clean lifestyle. She's fine with that, she doesn't find it boring. The world is beautiful because it is varied, and for Ava living without vices is the best way to live.
Japanese 毎日、判で押したような清く正しい生活。でもそれを退屈でツマラナイなんて思った事もない。楽しみ方は人それぞれ。彼女にとってはそれが一番なんだって。 Every day, she lives a routine, clean and upright life. But she has never thought of it as boring or uninteresting. Everyone has their own way of having fun. For her, that's what's best.
Traditional Chinese 陶米咕每天過著一成不變的簡單生活, 但她從不覺得無聊或無趣。 畢竟享受生活的方式因人而異, 她覺得這就是她心中最理想的生活了。 Táo Mǐgū leads a simple, monotonous life every day, but she never feels bored or uninterested. After all, everyone has different ways of enjoying life, and she feels that this is the most ideal life in her mind.