The Garden was introduced in Version 1.1.0 and allows the player to plant and grow flowers. These flowers can then be harvested and traded in for an assortment of clothes and furniture.
The garden is accessible at the very left of the player's Campsite.
Seasonal events can take place specifically in the Garden. For more information see Garden Events.
Garden Basics
A player needs to be Camp Manager Level 3 or higher in order to enter the Garden.
The garden has 20 spots to plant and grow various flowers. Flowers take several hours to grow and must also be watered during their growth time. After the growth period a flower fully blooms and a player can then either cross-pollinate to receive more seeds (including rare unpurchasable seeds), or harvest the flower and trade it to Lloid for other items.
When a player enters the Garden for the first time, Lloid will walk the player through a gardening tutorial to teach the player how to plant seeds, use flower food, harvest flowers, cross-pollinate, and trade flowers for items. By the end of the gardening tutorial the player will have received:
A player must plant a flower's seed in order to grow that flower.
For a full list of seeds see Seeds.
Lloid sells the following types of seeds for 80 Bells each:
- Yellow Dandelion Seeds
- White Dandelion Seeds
- Red Rose Seeds
- White Rose Seeds
- Orange Tulip Seeds
- Red Pansy Seeds
- Red Tulip Seeds
- Yellow Pansy Seeds
Other colors of flower seeds can be obtained through cross-pollination.
Growth Period
Every seed goes through a growth period once it's planted, growing from a sprout to a bud before fully blooming. For common seeds this growth time is 3 hours, while rare seeds take 4 hours to grow.
- Yellow Dandelion Seeds
- White Dandelion Seeds
- Orange Dandelion Seeds
- Red Rose Seeds
- White Rose Seeds
- Pink Rose Seeds
- Orange Pansy Seeds
- Orange Tulip Seeds
- Red Pansy Seeds
- Red Tulip Seeds
- White Pansy Seeds
- White Tulip Seeds
- Yellow Pansy Seeds
- Yellow Tulip Seeds
- Black Tulip Seeds
- Blue Pansy Seeds
- Blue Tulip Seeds
- Coral Pansy Seeds
- Pink Tulip Seeds
- Purple Pansy Seeds
- Purple Tulip Seeds
- Red-Blue Pansy Seeds
- Yellow-Blue Pansy Seeds
Flower Food
Flower Food is an item which can be used to decrease the amount of growth time a flower has to fully bloom by 30 minutes.
Lloid also offers the Lloid Fertilizing Service, which uses a different type of homemade Flower Food, at a rate of 1 Flower Food for 1 Leaf Ticket. This Flower Food decreases the amount of growth time a flower has to fully bloom by 60 minutes.
While a flower is growing, its dirt dries up after approximately 1 hour and becomes a light brown color. At this point, the player or a friend will have the option of watering it.
If the dirt remains dry for 2 hours (3 hours total of no water) the flower will wilt, pausing the growth timer. A wilted flower must be watered to continue growing, either by the player or a friend. This means that common flowers, which have a growth time of 3 hours, will bloom even if they are not watered.
A fully bloomed flower left in the garden will maintain wet dirt and will not need to be watered.
When a flower is fully bloomed, a player can harvest the flower and receive the flower item. These flower items can be traded to Lloid for various floral items or used for cross-pollination.
In order to obtain different and rarer color seeds, a player must cross-pollinate various flowers together. Cross-pollinating is done by harvesting a flower, tapping a planted fully bloomed flower patch of the same species, and then selecting the cross-pollination option.
The seed color result of cross-pollination depends on the flower colors selected for cross-pollination. It is also possible for cross-pollination to fail.
For more details, see Cross-Pollination.
Using the Friend List, a player can visit friends' gardens to help water and to cross-pollinate.
When a player helps water a friend's dry flower patch, the player will receive 1 Friend Powder. The amount of Friend Powder given per watering does not vary, even if a player waters all 20 plants.
A player can only help water a specific garden once per 3-hour cycle, and only 5 gardens total per 3-hour cycle; this is the same 3-hour cycle as the Recreation Spots. For example, if a player waters any plants in Friend-A's garden at 6:05 and receives Friend Powder, the player will not be able to water any more plants for Friend-A's until 9:00. The player can still water flowers for Friend-B, C, D, and E, but will then need to wait until 9:00 to water plants for Friend-F.
A player can also cross-pollinate using a friend's flower, as long as the friend leaves a fully-bloomed flower unharvested in the garden. The friend will sometimes be sent Friend Powder in their mailbox after a player has cross-pollinated in their garden.
List of Flowers
For a more detailed list see Flowers.
- Blue Pansies
- Coral Pansies
- Orange Pansies
- Purple Pansies
- Red Pansies
- Red-Blue Pansies
- White Pansies
- Yellow Pansies
- Yellow-Blue Pansies
- Black Tulips
- Blue Tulips
- Orange Tulips
- Pink Tulips
- Purple Tulips
- Red Tulips
- White Tulips
- Yellow Tulips
Event Flowers
- Orange Osmanthus
- White Osmanthus
- Red Plumeria
- White Plumeria
- Yellow Plumeria
- Blue Hydrangeas
- Purple Hydrangeas
- Aqua Crystal Roses
- Blue Crystal Roses
- White Crystal Roses
- Purple Peonies
- Red Peonies
- White Peonies
- Pink Cherry Blossom
- White Cherry Blossom
- Dark Chocobloom
- White Chocobloom
- Peach Shell-Daisy
- White Shell-Daisy
- Pink Marzipansy
- Purple Marzipansy
- Yellow Marzipansy
- Brown Pine-Cone Tree
- Silver Pine-Cone Tree
- Pink Starflowers
- Purple Starflowers
- Blushing Bleeding Hearts
- Maroon Bleeding Hearts
- Pale Bleeding Hearts
- White Buttercups
- Yellow Buttercups
- Green Seaweed
- Pink Seaweed
- Pink Astrablooms
- Purple Astrablooms
- Blue Gerbera
- Pink Gerbera
- Red Radish
- Yellow Radish
- Orange Maple Sprig
- Red Maple Sprig
- Farmer's Eggplants
- Farmer's Tomatoes
- Blue Rosettes
- Purple Rosettes
- Red Rosettes
- Orange Poppies
- Red Poppies
- Blue Featherblooms
- Orange Featherblooms
- Pink Featherblooms
- Green Gingeraniums
- Orange Gingeraniums
- Red Gingeraniums
- Green Strawberries
- Pink Strawberries
- Red Strawberries
- Blue Morning Glories
- Pink Morning Glories
- Violet Morning Glories
- Pink Topiary Tree
- Yellow Topiary Tree
- Pale Bloomtonnieres
- Yellow Bloomtonnieres
- Black Pumpkins
- Gold Pumpkins
- Orange Pumpkins
- Green Mini Ginkgo
- Yellow Mini Ginkgo
- Blue Lily of the Valley
- Red Lily of the Valley
- Green Decked-Out Tree
- White Decked-Out Tree
- Gothic Fusion Roses
- Gothic Purple Roses
- Gothic Red Roses
- Apple Lollipoppies
- Peach Lollipoppies
- Plum Lollipoppies
- Orange Glow-Pumpkin
- Purple Glow-Pumpkin
- Purple Shuffleblooms
- Red Shuffleblooms
- Magenta Daisies
- White Daisies
- Green Pumpkin
- Yellow Pumpkin
- Aqua Hydrangea
- Blush Hydrangea
- White Mums
- Yellow Mums
- Black Luxe Roses
- Gold Luxe Roses
- Green Gourd
- White Gourd
- Red Guzmania
- Yellow Guzmania
- Blue Glasslilies
- Purple Glasslilies
- White Glasslilies
- Blue Art Blossoms
- Orange Art Blossoms
- White Art Blossoms
- Pink Pampas Grass
- Yellow Pampas Grass
- Orange Presto Pumpkin
- Purple Presto Pumpkin
- Orange Marigolds
- White Marigolds
- Yellow Marigolds
- Blue Paperennial
- Pink Paperennial
- Pink Jasmine
- White Jasmine
- Pink Naruto Flower
- White Naruto Flower
- Pink Paper-Petals
- Yellow Paper-Petals
- Red Azalea
- White Azalea
- Blue Poinsettias
- Red Poinsettias
- White Poinsettias
- Black Shredroses
- Red Shredroses
- Silver Shredroses
- Blue Dahlias
- Red Dahlias
- White Dahlias
- White Egg Flowers
- Yellow Egg Flowers
- Pink Sakura
- White Sakura
- Yellow Sakura
- Pink Weeping Sakura
- White Weeping Sakura
- Blue Fantasy Flowers
- Yellow Fantasy Flowers
- Pink Liverleaf
- Purple Liverleaf
- Green Harvest Squash
- Yellow Harvest Squash
- Pink Sleeping Beauties
- White Clovers
- Yellow Sleeping Beauties
- Magenta Moss Blossoms
- Purple Moss Blossoms
- Yellow Moss Blossoms
- Pink Spring Tulip
- Red Spring Tulip
- Yellow Spring Tulip
- White Dandyplant
- Yellow Dandyplant
- Purple Crocuses
- Yellow Crocuses
- Pink Petunias
- Purple Petunias
- Blue Irises
- White Irises
- Yellow Irises
- Orange Hibiscus
- Red Hibiscus
- Orange Sunflowers
- White Sunflowers
- Yellow Sunflowers
- Purple Berries
- Red Berries
- Blue Wishing Bamboo
- Red Wishing Bamboo
- Pink Earthflower
- White Earthflower
- Pink Regal Peonies
- Yellow Regal Peonies
- Holiday Holly
- Jingle-Bell Holly
- Green Toy Day Roses
- Red Toy Day Roses
- Chartreuse Peonies
- Crimson Peonies
- Mauve Peonies
- Red Island Hibiscus
- Yellow Island Hibiscus
- Blue Zinnias
- Green Zinnias
- Red Zinnias
- Yellow Zinnias
- Blue Berrypetals
- Green Berrypetals
- Red Berrypetals
- White Calla Lilies
- Yellow Calla Lilies
- Gold Framebloom
- White Framebloom
- Purple Wisteria
- White Wisteria
- Blue Heart Roses
- Orange Heart Roses
- Pink Heart Roses
List of Flower Trade Items
Potted Plants
- Potted Black Tulips
- Potted Blue Pansies
- Potted Blue Tulips
- Potted Coral Pansies
- Potted Orange Pansies
- Potted Orange Tulips
- Potted Pink Tulips
- Potted Purple Pansies
- Potted Purple Tulips
- Potted Red Pansies
- Potted Red Tulips
- Potted Red-Blue Pansies
- Potted White Pansies
- Potted White Tulips
- Potted Yellow Pansies
- Potted Yellow Tulips
- Ptd. Yellow-Blue Pansies
- Yellow Dandelions (Potted)
- White Dandelions (Potted)
- Orange Dandelions (Potted)
- Potted Red Roses
- Potted White Roses
- Potted Pink Roses
Event Potted Plants
- Potted G. Fusion Roses
- Potted G. Purple Roses
- Potted G. Red Roses
- Potted White Poinsettias
- Potted Red Poinsettias
- Potted Blue Poinsettias
- Potted P. Bleeding Hearts
- Potted B. Bleeding Hearts
- Potted M. Bleeding Hearts
- Potted Sago Palm
- Potted Orange Marigolds
- Potted Yellow Marigolds
- Potted White Marigolds
- Potted Orange Pumpkins
- Potted Black Pumpkins
- Potted Gold Pumpkins
- Potted White Crystal Roses
- Potted Aqua Crystal Roses
- Potted Blue Crystal Roses
- Potted Green Gingeraniums
- Potted Orange Gingeraniums
- Potted Red Gingeraniums
- Potted Crimson Peonies
- Potted Chartreuse Peonies
- Potted Mauve Peonies
- Potted Farmer's Eggplants
- Potted Farmer's Peppers
- Potted Farmer's Tomatoes
- Potted P. Bloomtonnieres
- Potted Y. Bloomtonnieres
- Pink Paper-Petals (Potted)
- Yellow Paper-Petals (Potted)
- Purple Starflowers (Potted)
- Pink Starflowers (Potted)
- Yellow Mini Ginkgo (Potted)
- Green Mini Ginkgo (Potted)
- Orange Presto Pumpkin (Potted)
- Purple Presto Pumpkin (Potted)
- Potted Pink Astrablooms
- Potted Purple Astrablooms
- Green Decked-Out Tree (Potted)
- White Decked-Out Tree (Potted)
- Red Shuffleblooms (Potted)
- Purple Shuffleblooms (Potted)
- Yellow Crocuses (Potted)
- Purple Crocuses (Potted)
- Potted Pink Gerberas
- Potted Blue Gerberas
- Potted Blue Hydrangeas
- Potted Violet Hydrangeas
- Potted Purple Petunias
- Potted Pink Petunias
- Potted Red Hibiscus
- Potted Orange Hibiscus
- Potted Green Seaweed
- Potted Pink Seaweed
- Potted Yellow Mums
- Potted White Mums
- Yellow Pumpkin (Potted)
- Green Pumpkin (Potted)
- Red Radish Sprout (Potted)
- Yellow Radish Sprout (Potted)
- Potted Holiday Holly
- Potted Jingle-Bell Holly
- Potted P. Paperennials
- Potted B. Paperennials
- Potted D. Chocoblooms
- Potted W. Chocoblooms
- Potted Red Poppies
- Potted Orange Poppies
- Potted W. Weeping Sakura
- Potted P. Weeping Sakura
- Potted B. Lily of the Valley
- Potted R. Lily of the Valley
- P. Glass Lily of the Valley
- Potted Aqua Hydrangea
- Potted Blush Hydrangea
- P. Blue Wishing Bamboo
- P. Red Wishing Bamboo
- Red Island Hibiscus (Potted)
- Yellow Island Hibiscus (Potted)
- P. Potted Pampas Grass
- Yellow Squash Box (Potted)
- Green Squash Box (Potted)
- White Framebloom (Potted)
- Gold Framebloom (Potted)
- Brown Pine-Cone Tree (Potted)
- Silver Pine-Cone Tree (Potted)
- White Naruto Flower (Potted)
- Pink Naruto Flower (Potted)
- Red Berries (Potted)
- Purple Berries (Potted)
- Yellow Dandyplant (Potted)
- White Dandyplant (Potted)
- Pink Earthflower (Potted)
- White Earthflower (Potted)
- White Shell-Daisy (Potted)
- Peach Shell-Daisy (Potted)
- Yellow Guzmania (Potted)
- Red Guzmania (Potted)
- Red Maple Sprig (Potted)
- Orange Maple Sprig (Potted)
- Green Gourd (Potted)
- White Gourd (Potted)
- Gold Luxe Roses (Potted)
- Black Luxe Roses (Potted)
- Red Toy Day Roses (Potted)
- Green Toy Day Roses (Potted)
- Pink Regal Peonies (Potted)
- Yellow Regal Peonies (Potted)
- Pink Liverleaf (Potted)
- Purple Liverleaf (Potted)
- Red Azalea (Potted)
- White Azalea (Potted)
- Yellow Egg Flowers (Potted)
- White Egg Flowers (Potted)
- White Daisies (Potted)
- Magenta Daisies (Potted)
- Purple Wisteria (Potted)
- White Wisteria (Potted)
- White Jasmine (Potted)
- Pink Jasmine (Potted)
- Blue Fantasy Flowers (Potted)
- Yellow Fantasy Flowers (Potted)
- White Buttercups (Potted)
- Yellow Buttercups (Potted)
- Orange Glow-Pumpkin (Potted)
- Purple Glow-Pumpkin (Potted)
- Orange Osmanthus (Potted)
- White Osmanthus (Potted)
- Potted Blue Dahlias
- Potted Red Dahlias
- Potted White Dahlias
- Potted Pink H. Roses
- Potted Orange H. Roses
- Potted Blue H. Roses
- Potted G. Strawberries
- Potted R. Strawberries
- Potted P. Strawberries
- Potted W. Art Blossoms
- Potted B. Art Blossoms
- Potted O. Art Blossoms
- Potted Y. Sunflowers
- Potted W. Sunflowers
- Potted O. Sunflowers
- Potted Blue Irises
- Potted Yellow Irises
- Potted White Irises
- Potted Red Zinnias
- Potted Yellow Zinnias
- Potted Green Zinnias
- Potted Blue Zinnias
- Potted G. Berrypetals
- Potted B. Berrypetals
- Potted R. Berrypetals
- Potted A. Lollipoppies
- Potted P. Lollipoppies
- Potted Plum Lollipoppies
- Potted Blue Rosettes
- Potted Purple Rosettes
- Potted Red Rosettes
- Potted White Clovers
- Ptd. Y. Sleeping Beauties
- Ptd. P. Sleeping Beauties
- Potted White Peonies
- Potted Purple Peonies
- Potted Red Peonies
- Potted P. Featherblooms
- Potted B. Featherblooms
- Potted O. Featherblooms
- Potted M. Moss Blossoms
- Potted Y. Moss Blossoms
- Potted P. Moss Blossoms
- Potted S. Shredroses
- Potted R. Shredroses
- Potted B. Shredroses
- Potted W. Glasslilies
- Potted B. Glasslilies
- Potted P. Glasslilies
- Potted White Plumeria
- Potted Yellow Plumeria
- Potted Red Plumeria
- Potted B. Morning Glories
- Potted V. Morning Glories
- Potted P. Morning Glories
- Potted White Sakura
- Potted Pink Sakura
- Potted Yellow Sakura
Floral Furniture
Floral Bears
- Floral Polar Bear (Red Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Yellow Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Orange Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (White Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Blue Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Purple Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Yellow-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Coral Pansies)
- Floral Polar Bear (Red Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (White Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Yellow Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Pink Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Purple Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Black Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Orange Tulips)
- Floral Polar Bear (Blue Tulips)
Floral Chair
- Floral Chair (Red Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Yellow Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Orange Pansies)
- Floral Chair (White Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Blue Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Purple Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Yellow-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Red-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Coral Pansies)
- Floral Chair (Red Tulips)
- Floral Chair (White Tulips)
- Floral Chair (Yellow Tulips)
- Floral Chair (Purple Tulips)
- Floral Chair (Black Tulips)
- Floral Chair (Orange Tulips)
- Floral Chair (Blue Tulips)
Floral Minitables
- Floral Minitable (Red Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Orange Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (White Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Blue Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Purple Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Yellow-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Red-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Coral Pansies)
- Floral Minitable (Red Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (White Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (Yellow Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (Pink Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (Purple Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (Black Tulips)
- Floral Minitable (Blue Tulips)
Floral Fences
- Floral Fence (Red Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Yellow Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Orange Pansies)
- Floral Fence (White Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Blue Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Purple Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Yellow-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Red-Blue Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Coral Pansies)
- Floral Fence (Red Tulips)
- Floral Fence (White Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Yellow Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Pink Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Purple Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Black Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Orange Tulips)
- Floral Fence (Blue Tulips)
Floral Clothes
- Floral Tee (Black Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Blue Pansies)
- Floral Tee (Blue Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Orange Pansies)
- Floral Tee (Orange Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Pink Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Purple Pansies)
- Floral Tee (Purple Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Red Pansies)
- Floral Tee (Red Tulips)
- Floral Tee (White Pansies)
- Floral Tee (White Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Yellow Pansies)
- Floral Tee (Yellow Tulips)
- Floral Tee (Yellow-Blue Pansies)