Unreleased Content

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This content is not yet released but has been extracted from the assets. It is not known when the content on this page will be released, only that this content exists in the assets. All content on this page is subject to change before it is actually released.

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*Version 4.4.2b added three new permanently available poses to the game (Over-the-Shoulder, Delight, and High Jump), but also contained the names of five other new poses in the text assets. Two of these (Voila! and Yoga) were added in version 5.0.5 and made available for a limited time on May 30, 2022. The remaining three (Phew, Boxing and Work Out) were added in version 5.2.0 and the latter two were made available for a limited time on August 30, 2022. It is possible that the Phew pose will be added and become available in the future permanently or for a limited time.


Golden Furniture

*Version 4.4.0 added several new craftable golden items which can be unlocked by reaching certain ranks in Happy Homeroom. Of this batch, only the Gold Throne has not been added yet. Version 5.2.2 added another batch of yet-to-be-released golden furniture. The assets of the following items are in the data, but they are not available yet in the game. They will likely be made available in the future as unlockable rewards for higher Happy Homeroom ranks.


*The majority of the following image assets were found in the data when Pocket Camp first released in November 2017. A few of the items that were on the original list have been released in-game. It is not known if these will ever become available for players.


*The majority of the following image assets were found in the data when Pocket Camp first released in November 2017. A few of the items that were on the original list have been released in-game. It is not known if these will ever become available for players.


  • The sound file SE_FUR_TPL02_OYA was found in the version 5.1.1c update from August 8, 2022. The sound file is likely related to the Eagle Pole which is currently not in the game and makes a similar sound in previous Animal Crossing games. Further evidence for this is that the sound's file name is similar to the sound file for the Raven Pole from the same set of 4 totem poles which has the file name SE_FUR_TPL04_MAA.



See also: Category:Clothing with Sound Effects

These sound files have been in the game since release but are unused. It is not known if these will ever be used.

Special Camper Patterns

*The majority of the following image assets were found in the data when Pocket Camp first released in November 2017.

As of July 10, 2024, all patterns from the original list have been released in-game.

Potential Villagers

This is a list of Villager sprites obtained from ACPC's official Line account; however, none of the following are currently found within the assets of ACPC

As of May 25, 2024, there are no more villagers left that are yet to be added.

Potential Special Characters