Tree Swing

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Tree Swing
Amenity Tree Swing 2.png
Cute Banner.png
Catalog Category
Amenity - Cute
Animal Reactions
Inspires your animal friends to get together and play.
Conversation Piece
Name Base Tier Material Cost Bell Cost Craft Time Prerequisite Reward
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 1
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Cute Tent Lv. 3 Cute Animals Max Friendship Level 15

+5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 2
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 1 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 3
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 2 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 1.png
Tree Swing Lv. 4
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 0 Seconds Tree Swing Lv. 3 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling
Amenity Tree Swing 2.png
Tree Swing Lv. 5
1 20 Cute Essence

60 Wood

3,000 Bells Bells 48 Hour(s) Tree Swing Lv. 4 +5 Friendship EXP for animals present at unveiling

Unlocks Merry-Go-Round