Isabelle's Garden Gratitude

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For a detailed How-To guide for this event, see Isabelle's Garden Gratitude: How to Play.

Isabelle's Garden Gratitude is an event featuring Isabelle Icon.png Isabelle which utilizes the player's garden. The event introduces rare Hydrangea Seeds, and Bloomer Bugs as well as hydrangea-themed rewards.

Part 1 of the event began on April 30th and Part 2 began on May 4th. The player is able to complete tasks and trades from Part 1 after Part 2 starts. The event ends on May 11th.

Event-Specific Items

Seeds and Flowers


Event Challenges

These are Garden Goals Icon.png timed goals which last the entire duration of the event period. The Event Challenges (Timed Goals) are as follows:

Event Goal Set 1
Bg party.png
Set Reward Set Goal
Flower Food.png
x 5
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Flower Food.png
x 15
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
x 1,000
Plant seeds 10 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 20 times.
x 1,000
Plant seeds 30 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 40 times.
x 1,000
Catch 20 rare creatures.
Event Goal Set 2
Bg party.png
Set Reward Set Goal
Flower Food.png
x 5
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Flower Food.png
x 15
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
x 1,000
Plant seeds 60 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 80 times.
x 1,000
Plant seeds 100 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 120 times.
x 1,000
Catch 80 rare creatures.
Event Goal Set 3
Bg party.png
Set Reward Set Goal
Flower Food.png
x 5
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Flower Food.png
x 15
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
x 1,000
Plant seeds 140 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 180 times.
x 1,000
Plant seeds 180 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 240 times.
x 1,000
Catch 120 rare creatures.
Event Goal Set 4
Bg party.png
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Leaf Ticket.png
x 3
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
x 1,000
Plant seeds 260 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 300 times.
x 1,000
Plant seeds 320 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 360 times.
x 1,000
Catch 200 rare creatures.
Event Goal Set 5
Bg party.png
Set Reward Set Goal
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Complete 3 out of 5 of these goals
Leaf Ticket.png
x 3
Complete 5 out of 5 of these goals
Reward Goal
x 1,000
Plant seeds 400 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 440 times.
x 1,000
Plant seeds 460 times.
x 1,000
Harvest flowers 560 times.
x 1,000
Catch 300 rare creatures.


These are requests from Isabelle which last the duration of the event. A rare creature counts towards the net total as soon as a player catches it; giving away or sharing a rare creature with a friend does not decrease the net amount for Isabelle's requests. Completing a request results in Isabelle giving the player various rewards.

The tasks from Part 1 carry over into Part 2 and could still be obtained.

Part 1:
Reward Request
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 1 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-1)
Material sea23 00.png
x 1
Catch 3 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-2)
Material Natural Essence.png
x 3
Catch 8 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-3)
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 15 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-4)
Material Cool Essence.png
x 3
Catch 25 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-5)
Material Sporty Essence.png
x 3
Catch 32 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-6)
Int gar23 bench cmps.png
x 1
Catch 40 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-7)
Material Rustic Essence.png
x 3
Catch 50 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-8)
Material sea23 00.png
x 2
Catch 55 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-9)
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 60 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-10)
Reward Request
Material sea23 00.png
x 1
Catch 1 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-1)
Material Cute Essence.png
x 3
Catch 3 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-2)
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 5 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-3)
Material Hip Essence.png
x 3
Catch 10 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-4)
Material sea23 00.png
x 2
Catch 18 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-5)
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 24 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-6)
Material Modern Essence.png
x 3
Catch 30 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-7)
Friendgift sea 202105 01.png
x 1
Catch 37 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-8)
Material sea23 00.png
x 2
Catch 45 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-9)
Int gar23 lamp cmps.png
x 1
Catch 50 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-10)

Part 2:
Reward Request
Material sea23 00.png
x 2
Catch 1 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-1)
Int gar23 bench cmps.png
x 1
Catch 3 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-2)
Material Civic Essence.png
x 3
Catch 8 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-3)
Material sea23 00.png
x 3
Catch 15 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-4)
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 20 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-5)
Material sea23 00.png
x 4
Catch 25 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-6)
Material Elegant Essence.png
x 3
Catch 32 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-7)
Int gar23 fence1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 45 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-8)
Reward Request
Material sea23 00.png
x 4
Catch 1 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-1)
Material Historical Essence.png
x 3
Catch 3 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-2)
Int gar23 path cmps.png
x 1
Catch 6 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-3)
Material sea23 00.png
x 4
Catch 10 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-4)
Int gar23 path cmps.png
x 1
Catch 16 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-5)
Material Harmonious Essence.png
x 3
Catch 24 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-6)
Material sea23 00.png
x 5
Catch 32 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-7)
Int gar23 highground cmps.png
x 1
Catch 40 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-8)

Hard Tasks:
Reward Request
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 65 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-11)
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 80 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-12)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 100 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-13)
Int gar23 path cmps.png
x 1
Catch 120 Purple Bloomer Bug. (Task 1-14)
Reward Request
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 60 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-11)
Int gar23 lamp cmps.png
x 1
Catch 80 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-12)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 100 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-13)
Int gar23 path cmps.png
x 1
Catch 120 Blue Bloomer Bug. (Task 2-14)
Reward Request
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 50 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-9)
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 60 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-10)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 70 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-11)
Friendgift sea 202105 01.png
x 1
Catch 80 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-12)
Int gar23 fence2 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 90 Silver Bloomer Bug. (Task 3-13)
Reward Request
Int gar23 lamp cmps.png
x 1
Catch 50 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-9)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 60 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-10)
Int gar23 fence1 cmps.png
x 1
Catch 70 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-11)
Material Sparkle Stones.png
x 1
Catch 80 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-12)
Int gar23 highground cmps.png
x 1
Catch 90 Golden Bloomer Bug. (Task 4-13)

Event Trade Items

During the event period, a player can trade the event flowers to Lloid for various items.

Part 1:
Reward Give to Lloid
Int gar23 lamp cmps.png
x 1
Trade 60 Blue Hydrangeas.
Int gar23 bench cmps.png
x 1
Trade 50 Blue Hydrangeas.
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 40 Blue Hydrangeas.
Reward Give to Lloid
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 40 Blue Hydrangeas.
Int gar23 flower1 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 20 Blue Hydrangeas.
Flower Food.png
x 6
Trade 10 Blue Hydrangeas.
(20 times)

Part 2:
Reward Give to Lloid
Int gar23 fence1 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 100 Purple Hydrangeas.
Int gar23 path cmps.png
x 1
Trade 80 Purple Hydrangeas.
Int gar23 flower2 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 20 Purple Hydrangeas.
Reward Give to Lloid
Ev seed 045 01 cmps.png
x 1
Trade 2 Blue Hydrangeas.
Ev seed 045 01 cmps.png
x 10
Trade 20 Blue Hydrangeas.
Flower Food.png
x 6
Trade 10 Purple Hydrangeas.
(10 times)

Event Item Rewards


Name Theme Size How to Obtain
Int gar23 ajisai1 cmps.png
Blue Hydrangea Bush
Harmonious Banner.png
2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 1-1: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x1
  • Complete task 1-10: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x60
  • Complete task 1-12: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x80
  • Complete task 2-3: Collect Blue Bloomer Bug x5
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x40
Int gar23 ajisai2 cmps.png
Purple Hydrangea Bush
Harmonious Banner.png
2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 1-4: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x15
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Blue Bloomer Bug x24
  • Complete task 3-5: Collect Silver Bloomer Bug x20
  • Complete task 3-10: Collect Silver Bloomer Bug x60
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x40
Int gar23 bench cmps.png
Quilted Hydrangea Bench
Harmonious Banner.png
4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 1-7: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x40
  • Complete task 3-2: Collect Silver Bloomer Bug x3
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x50
Int gar23 fence1 cmps.png
Blue Hydrangea Fence
Harmonious Banner.png
4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 3-8: Collect Silver Bloomer Bug x45
  • Complete task 4-11: Collect Golden Bloomer Bug x70
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x100
Int gar23 fence2 cmps.png
Purple Hydrangea Fence
Harmonious Banner.png
4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 3-13: Collect Silver Bloomer Bug x90
Int gar23 flower1 cmps.png
Potted Blue Hydrangeas
Harmonious Banner.png
2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x20
Int gar23 flower2 cmps.png
Potted Violet Hydrangeas
Harmonious Banner.png
2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Purple Hydrangeas x20
Int gar23 highground cmps.png
Hydrangea Stairway
Harmonious Banner.png
6x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 4-8: Collect Golden Bloomer Bug x40
  • Complete task 4-13: Collect Golden Bloomer Bug x90
Int gar23 lamp cmps.png
Hydrangea Paper Lantern
Harmonious Banner.png
2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 2-10: Collect Blue Bloomer Bug x50
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Blue Hydrangeas x60
Int gar23 path cmps.png
Hydrangea Stone Path
Harmonious Banner.png
4x4 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Isabelle's Garden Gratitude event:
  • Complete task 1-14: Collect Purple Bloomer Bug x120
  • Complete task 2-14: Collect Blue Bloomer Bug x120
  • Complete task 4-3: Collect Golden Bloomer Bug x6
  • Complete task 4-5: Collect Golden Bloomer Bug x16
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Purple Hydrangeas x80


  • None

Related Event Classes

Name Type Start Date End Date
Ftr pzl 4202004.png Bloomin' Hydrangea Park 1
Apr 30th 2021
May 11th 2021
Ftr pzl 4202005.png Bloomin' Hydrangea Park 2
Apr 30th 2021
May 11th 2021
Ftr pzl 4202006.png Bloomin' Hydrangea Park 3
Apr 30th 2021
May 11th 2021