Gulliver (Old)

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Gulliver Icon.png Gulliver loads players’ unwanted items onto his cargo ship at Sunburst Island, then returns with snacks—and sometimes a new Villager or Villager Map.


Gulliver accepts 10 items of unwanted furniture and/or clothing from the player, journeys north, south, east, or west for 6 hours, then returns with snacks that increase Friendship with Villagers. Gulliver can also sometimes return with a Villager Map, or one of 3 Villagers: O’Hare, Plucky, or Rowan. (See Gulliver’s Travelers for details.)


When the player gives a Villager one of Gulliver’s snacks, the player’s Friendship with that Villager increases.

Snacks come in two types:

Snacks come in 3 different qualities:

Snack Quality

All generic treats/themed snacks come in 3 levels of quality:

  • low-quality Bronze treats (generic) and Plain snacks (themed)
  • medium-quality Silver treats (generic) and Tasty snacks (themed)
  • high-quality Gold treats (generic) and Gourmet snacks (themed)

Higher quality snacks increase Friendship with a Villager by more Friendship Points:

Quality No Match Match Theme
Generic Bronze 3 3
Generic Silver 10 10
Generic Gold 25 25
Themed Plain 2 3
Themed Tasty 6 9
Themed Gourmet 12 18

For example:

Giving Goldie Icon.png Goldie (Natural-themed) a Tasty Donut (Cute-themed) only increases Friendship by 6 Friendship Points.

Giving Goldie Icon.png Goldie (Natural-themed) a Tasty Waffle (Natural-themed) increases Friendships by 9 Friendship Points.

Giving Goldie Icon.png Goldie, or any Villager, a generic Silver Treats increases Friendship by 10 Friendship Points.

Generic Treats

To just collect generic treats or Villagers, the player can ignore most of Gulliver’s complexity:

  • craft and give Gulliver 10 x 1-minute items*
  • send him in any direction

Gulliver returns with a generic treat (usually** bronze), with a chance* of a bonus Villager or Villager Map, or a generic bronze, silver, or gold treat.

*To greatly increase the chance of a bonus treat, Gulliver must receive at least 2 of every item. See Bonus Rewards, below, for examples.

**The reward is a generic bronze (96%), silver (3%), or gold (1%) treat.

Themed Snacks

To collect themed snacks, the player can control Gulliver by understanding:

  • how Gulliver calculates Trade-Points from the 10 items he receives,
  • how different directions of travel reward certain themed snacks, and
  • how the themes of the 10 items influence Gulliver to travel in certain directions.

To control Gulliver to collect themed snacks, see Gulliver_(Old)#Advanced.

Gulliver can also reward a special bonus:

Bonus Reward

Gulliver normally offers a ~50% chance of giving a bonus reward.

But this chance increases to more than 98% when the player gives at least 2 of each unique item.

For example:

Giving 10 x Minimalist Lamp will give the bonus.

Giving 9 x Minimalist Lamp, plus 1 x Giant Dharma does not give the bonus.

Giving 8 x Minimalist Lamp, plus 2 x Giant Dharma will give the bonus.

Once Gulliver has returned all 3 Villagers and rewarded all obtainable Villager Maps, this bonus reward is always a generic treat:

  • Bronze Treats (14.3% chance)
  • Silver Treats (50% chance)
  • Gold Treats (35.7% chance)

Gulliver’s Travelers

If Gulliver has not yet returned all 3 Villagers and rewarded all obtainable Villager Maps, the bonus reward can be:

  • O'Hare, Plucky, Rowan, or one of the obtainable Villager Maps (30% chance)
  • Bronze Treats (10% chance)
  • Silver Treats (35% chance)
  • Gold Treats (25% chance)

Therefore, the player can double the normal 15% chance (50% x 30%) of meeting a missing Villager to almost 30% (98% x 30%) by giving at least 2 of each unique item.

An hour before Gulliver returns, his ship appears on the horizon at Sunburst Island. The player can tell in advance if Gulliver is bringing a Villager (but not a Villager Map) when a white thought-bubble icon appears above the ship.

Managing Gulliver’s Travelers

Gulliver’s travelers behave differently to other Villagers in the game. To add them to the player’s campsite, Gulliver’s travelers do not require:

  • crafting any furniture, or
  • increasing their Friendship Level.

When Gulliver does bring back O’Hare, Plucky, or Rowan, they appear at Sunburst Island only if the player has already filled their campsite by inviting 8 Villagers.

If there are any spare spots at the campsite, the new Villager will automatically invite themselves and appear there instead.

If the new Villager appears at the campsite, the player cannot interact with them at all until their Friendship Level has reached Level 6 (for Plucky and Rowan) or Level 8 (for O’Hare) via 3-hourly chats. To interact with the new Villager, the player must quickly travel to their campsite and send the new Villager home. The new Villager then appears at Sunburst Island until the end of the current 3-hour cycle.

When the new Villager appears at Sunburst Island, the player can interact with them to fulfil their 3 requests, chat with them, and give them snacks to boost their Friendship Level. Once the player’s campsite has a spare spot, the new Villager can be invited immediately, without crafting any special furniture or reaching certain Friendship Thresholds.

Giving Gulliver Items

Gulliver always asks for 10 items, which can be furniture, clothing, or a mixture of both.

Almost every piece of furniture and clothing* can be given to Gulliver.

Any items given to Gulliver are permanently lost when the player:

  • chooses a direction for Gulliver to travel
  • closes the Choose Items screen (by tapping outside the window, or tapping the Done button)

Once Gulliver departs, he journeys for 6 hours before returning.

*A few items cannot be given to Gulliver, such as Special Furniture crafted with Leaf Tickets.

Correcting Mistakes

If the player accidentally gives Gulliver something that they want to keep, it can be possible to retrieve the item.

To retrieve an item, the player must force-quit the game immediately.

(Once the player closes the Choose Items screen or chooses a direction, any items given to Gulliver are permanently lost.)

1-minute Craftable Items

To regularly collect 2 x generic treats, the player can give Gulliver at least 2 each of any of these quick-to-craft items:

1-minute Item Material Bells
Minimalist Lamp 6 x Steel 290
Electric Guitar 6 x Steel 330
Office Phone 6 x Steel 360
Stripe Table 6 x Steel 330
Fancy Tea Set 6 x Steel 390
Tea Vase 6 x Steel 440
Robo-Chair 6 x Steel 550
Lovely Lamp 6 x Steel 640
Blue Vase 6 x Steel 710
Giant Dharma 6 x Wood 220
Log Fence 6 x Wood 290
Worktable 6 x Wood 390
Corn Plant 6 x Wood 390
Low Screen 6 x Wood 400
Lovely Table (Basic) 6 x Wood 430
Aloe 6 x Wood 430
Egg Clock 6 x Wood 630
Stripe Closet 6 x Wood 690
Bamboo Tree 2 x Wood 750
Heart Rug 6 x Cotton 430
Lovely Love Seat (Basic) 6 x Cotton 500
Modern Sofa 6 x Cotton 500
Stripe Sofa 6 x Cotton 500
Ranch Couch 6 x Cotton 500
Tatami Rug 6 x Paper 450
Ornate Rug 6 x Paper 690
Grapefruit Table 6 x Preserves 390
Steamed Lobster 6 x Preserves 390
Turkey 6 x Preserves 500
Chocolate Cake 6 x Preserves 530
Milk 1 x Preserves

1 x Steel


To control Gulliver to collect themed snacks, see Gulliver_(Old)#Controlling_Direction.


Generic Treats

To just collect generic treats, the player can easily ignore most of Gulliver’s complexity:

  • craft and give Gulliver 10 x 1-minute items*
  • send him in any direction

Gulliver returns with a generic treat (usually** bronze), with a chance* of a bonus generic bronze, silver, or gold treat.

*To greatly increase the chance of a bonus treat, Gulliver must receive at least 2 of any 1-minute item.

**The reward is a generic bronze (96%), silver (3%), or gold (1%) treat.

See the main Gulliver page for details.

Themed Snacks

To collect themed snacks, the player can control Gulliver by understanding:

  • how Gulliver calculates Trade-Points from the 10 items he receives,
  • how different directions of travel reward certain themed snacks, and
  • how the themes of the 10 items influence Gulliver to travel in certain directions.

The following sections explain each of these 3 concepts.

Controlling Gulliver

The player has some control over certain Gulliver behaviors:

  • how many snacks Gulliver rewards (from Trade-Points)
  • what kinds of themed snacks Gulliver offers (from item themes)
  • the chance of getting a bonus reward

But there are also random aspects that the player cannot control at all:

  • the specific theme of any themed snack
  • the quality of any generic treat or themed snack


When giving Gulliver furniture or clothing items, each item has a hidden value ("Trade-Points”):

Gulliver rewards one generic treat if he gets less than 15 Trade-Points.

Gulliver rewards one themed snack for every 15 Trade-Points he gets.

Gulliver can also reward a special bonus:

Bonus Reward

Gulliver normally offers a ~50% chance of giving a bonus reward.

But this chance increases to more than 98% when the player either:

  • gives items worth a total of 50 Trade-Points or more, or
  • gives at least 2 of each unique item

For example:

Giving 9 x 5-Trade-Point items and a 3-Trade-Point item (for 48 Trade-Points) does not give the bonus.

Giving 10 x Minimalist Lamp (for 0 Trade-Points) will give the bonus.

Giving 8 x Minimalist Lamp, plus 2 x Giant Dharma (for 0 Trade-Points) will give the bonus.

Once Gulliver has returned all 3 villagers*, this bonus reward is always a generic treat:

  • Bronze Treats (14.3% chance)
  • Silver Treats (50% chance)
  • Gold Treats (35.7% chance)

*For more on Gulliver's 3 villagers, see the Gulliver's Travelers section of the main Gulliver page.

Items, Directions, and Snack Themes

Like villagers, every item of furniture and clothing has a theme (like Natural, Cute, or Elegant).

Gulliver always offers a choice of two directions to travel in, based on the 2 most common themes amongst all 10 items.

When items have different themes that share the same direction (e.g. both sporty & rustic items are “west”), Gulliver counts each theme separately to determine the 2 most common themes that influence the directions for his journey.

Gulliver returns with different themed snacks, based on which direction we choose.

The player has only limited control over the specific theme of each snack:

Items Theme Direction Snack Themes (Random)
Natural Banner.png North-A Natural/Hip
Hip Banner.png North-B Natural/Hip
Cute Banner.png East-A Cute/Harmonious/Modern
Harmonious Banner.png East-B Cute/Harmonious/Modern
Modern Banner.png East-C Cute/Harmonious/Modern
Cool Banner.png South-A Cool/Elegant/Historical
Elegant Banner.png South-B Cool/Elegant/Historical
Historical Banner.png South-C Cool/Elegant/Historical
Sporty Banner.png West-A Sporty/Rustic/Civic
Rustic Banner.png West-B Sporty/Rustic/Civic
Civic Banner.png West-C Sporty/Rustic/Civic

For example:

  • Giving Gulliver 10 x Cute items and sending him East does not guarantee any Cute snacks at all. The reward will still be a completely random selection of Cute–, Harmonious–, and/or Modern-themed snacks.
  • There is just as much chance that Gulliver will reward Elegant snacks, even when the player only gives him mostly Cool– or Historical-themed items.

Giving Gulliver Items

For details on giving Gulliver items and correcting mistakes, see the main Gulliver page.

Controlling Direction

After the player gives Gulliver all 10 items, he offers the player two directions to choose from.

These two options are influenced by the 2 most common themes from all items.

For example:

  • Given 10 x Hip items, Gulliver offers north (and a random direction).
  • Given 5 x Hip items, plus 5 x Cool items, Gulliver offers north and south.

Unexpected Directions

Some combinations of item themes can cause Gulliver to offer unexpected directions.

There are two ways that item themes can cause unexpected direction choices.

Second Direction is Random

When different themes share the same direction (e.g. both sporty & rustic are west), the number of items for those themes are not added together.

So if both the most-common and second-most-common item themes share the same direction, Gulliver will offer a random direction as the second option.

For example:

  • Given 3 x Sporty items, plus 5 x Rustic items, plus 2 x Harmonious items, Gulliver offers west and a random direction.

This is because the most common theme (5 x Rustic, West-A) influences Gulliver to offer west. And because the second-most common theme (3 x Sporty, West-B) also influences him west, the second direction option is chosen at random.

To get different direction options, the player can either give Gulliver different items, or repeatedly try giving the same items.

Third Direction is Omitted

When there is a 3-way tie for the most-common theme, Gulliver randomly omits one of the three directions.

For example:

  • Given 3 x Sporty items, plus 3 x Cute items, plus 3 x Cool items, plus 1 x Natural item, Gulliver randomly omits east, south, or west (but will never offer north).

This is because there are 3 most-common themes (Sporty, Cute, and Cool) that all influence Gulliver in different directions (West-A, East-A, and South-A). And because a single item (Natural, North-A) cannot influence Gulliver to offer north.

To include an omitted direction option, the player can either repeatedly try giving Gulliver the same items, or give different items.

Dealing with Unexpected Directions

The player can reliably manipulate direction to get the themed snacks they want by always making sure the theme for the majority of the 10 items match the desired direction.

When Gulliver offers unexpected direction options, the player can force-quit the game before choosing a direction, then try either:

  • a different combination of items, or
  • the same combination of items to try getting different direction options:

To repeatedly try the same combination of items, the player can:

  • give Gulliver 9 items, then tap the Done button to permanently confirm those items
  • give Gulliver the 10th item, to check which directions he offers

If Gulliver does not offer the desired direction options, the player can force-quit the game before choosing a direction, then continue to give Gulliver the 10th item to try getting different direction options.

Manipulating Directions

To manipulate Gulliver to reward certain snacks, the player can give him a combination of high-Trade-Point items (for more themed snacks) and 0-Trade-Point items (to influence direction).

For example:

To get 5 x Cute–, Harmonious–, and/or Modern-themed snacks, the player could give Gulliver:

  • clothesline (10 Trade-Points) Natural (North-A)
  • stepladder (5 Trade-Points) Natural (North-A)
  • bicycle helmet (10 Trade-Points) Sporty (West-A)
  • box with helmet (20 Trade-Points) Cool (South-A)
  • cowboy boots (10 Trade-Points) Rustic (West-B)
  • trunk (10 Trade-Points) Historical (South-B)
  • coin locker (10 Trade-Points) Civic (West-C)

These 7 items give 75 Trade-Points (5 snacks), but make Gulliver only offer north and a random direction.

This is because of the majority of Natural-themed (North-A) items, and the lack of a second-most-common theme. (Themes that share the same direction are not added together, so Gulliver only “sees” one of each theme, not several of each direction.)

To influence Gulliver to offer east as a direction, the player can add:

  • 3 x Giant Dharma

Which will now make Gulliver offer east and north.

This is because there is now a majority of east (3 x Harmonious, East-B) and north (2 x Natural, North-A) items.

(The player could achieve this same result by adding 3 x Lovely Table (Basic) or 3 x Corn Plant instead.)

1-minute Craftable Items

To collect themed snacks, the player can include these to easily break tied themes and influence direction:

Direction Theme 1-minute Item Material Bells
North-A Natural Banner.png Minimalist Lamp 6 x Steel 290
North-A Natural Banner.png Aloe 6 x Wood 430
North-A Natural Banner.png Ranch Couch 6 x Cotton 500
North-A Natural Banner.png Steamed Lobster 6 x Preserves 390
North-B Hip Banner.png Egg Clock 6 x Wood 630
North-B Hip Banner.png Grapefruit Table 6 x Preserves 390
East-A Cute Banner.png Lovely Lamp 6 x Steel 640
East-A Cute Banner.png Lovely Table (Basic) 6 x Wood 430
East-A Cute Banner.png Heart Rug 6 x Cotton 430
East-A Cute Banner.png Chocolate Cake 6 x Preserves 530
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Blue Vase 6 x Steel 710
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Giant Dharma 6 x Wood 220
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Tatami Rug 6 x Paper 450
East-C Modern Banner.png Corn Plant 6 x Wood 390
East-C Modern Banner.png Simple Love Seat 30 x Cotton 1,360
South-A Cool Banner.png Electric Guitar 6 x Steel 330
South-A Cool Banner.png Modern Sofa 6 x Cotton 500
South-A Cool Banner.png Robo-Chair 6 x Steel 550
South-B Elegant Banner.png Fancy Tea Set 6 x Steel 390
South-C Historical Banner.png Tea Vase 6 x Steel 440
South-C Historical Banner.png Low Screen 6 x Wood 400
West-A Sporty Banner.png Stripe Table 6 x Steel 330
West-A Sporty Banner.png Stripe Closet 6 x Wood 690
West-A Sporty Banner.png Stripe Sofa 6 x Cotton 500
West-B Rustic Banner.png Log Fence 6 x Wood 290
West-B Rustic Banner.png Turkey 6 x Preserves 500
West-C Civic Banner.png Office Phone 6 x Steel 360

Item Trade-Points

While trading with Gulliver, he gives a vague hint of each item’s Trade-Point value with a text label below each item (Great, Good, or blank).

As Gulliver receives each item, he will also react to items that are worth at least 1 Trade Point.

The Trade-Point value of any items of less than ★★★★ quality can still be difficult to determine:


Text Hint

Gulliver's Reaction

Clothing Furniture
★★★★★ Great "It's so... superlative!" 40 40
★★★★ Great "It's so... superlative!" 30 30
★★★ Great "It's so... superlative!" 20 20
★★★ Great "It's so... superlative!" 10 10
★★ Good "It's so... superlative!" 3 5
★★ Good "That's a fine item..." 2 3
Good "That's a fine item..." 1 2
blank No reaction 0 0

Fortune Cookie Trade-Points

All fortune cookie items are worth 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, or 40 Trade-Points.

For character fortune cookies:

  • all ★★★★★ items are worth 40 Trade-Points
  • all ★★★★ items are worth 30 Trade-Points
  • all ★★★ items are worth 20 Trade-Points

For example:

For common Fg fortune 0001 cmps.pngTimmy and Fg fortune 0000 cmps.pngTommy Fortune Cookies:

Rarity Trade
Timmy Items Tommy Items
★★★★ 30 Int oth sugoroku.png Board Game
Rmk oth flagl.png Metal Flagpole (Basic)
Int mdl bus.png Model Bus
Int mdl hhd.png Nook's Homes Model
Int oth scooter sza.png Isabelle Scooter
Rmk oth flagl 02 cmps.png Metal Flagpole (Apple)
Rmk oth flagl 01 cmps.png Metal Flagpole (Leaf)
Int oth souvenir.png Sapling Clock
★★★ 20 Int mol helmets.png Box with Helmet
Rmk gdn gnome.png Garden Gnome
Int hsp drops.png IV Drip
Int oth rchairs 01 cmps.png Rocking Chair (White)
Int oth cleaner.png Vacuum Cleaner
Rmk def beds 01 cmps.png Common Bed (Black)
Rmk oth ezara 01.png Decorative Plate (Bird)
Rmk oth handbag 02.png Handbag (White)
Int oth shower.png Shower
★★★ 10 Int oth go.png Go Board
Rmk fod almtables 01.png Metal-Rim Table (Black)
Rmk oth suitcasem.png Trunk
Rmk shp tbl wo 01.png Wood Display Stand (W.)
Int oth wc room.png Bathroom Stall
Rmk oth bostonbag 01.png Boston Bag (Red)
Rmk oth clothes.png Clothesline Pole
Int oth locker.png Coin Locker
Int gdn flamingo02.png Mrs. Flamingo
★★ 05 Rmk oth kameb.png Brown Pot
Rmk oth tarte.png Cheese Tart
Int oth extinguisher.png Extinguisher
Int oth fishandchips.png Fish and Chips
Rmk gdn chairs.png Lawn Chair
Int oth mixer.png Mixer
Rmk oth ramen.png Ramen
Rmk oth syogikoma.png Shogi Piece
Rmk oth chairs 01.png Common Chair (Black)
Rmk oth cracker.png Executive Toy
Rmk oth hotplate.png Hot Plate
Int oth incense.png Incense Burner
Rmk oth lavalamp.png Lava Lamp
Rmk oth polytank 02.png Plastic Canister (Blue)
Rmk oth cut cheirs 01.png Salon Chair (Red)
Int oth stepladder.png Stepladder
★★ 03 Int oth bicyclepump.png Air Pump
Rmk oth stool do.png Donut Stool
Rmk oth kokeshi.png Kokeshi Doll
Int sch cleantools.png Mop
Rmk oth mug.png Mug
Int oth bookband.png Strapped Books
Int sch dusterstand.png Towel Rack
Int oth trash d.png Trash Bin
Rmk oth stool wo.png Wooden Stool
Rmk oth trash f.png Basic Trash Can
Int oth tissue.png Box of Tissues
Int oth foodcan.png Cans
Int jpn rocka.png Garden Rock
Int oth pepper.png Pepper Mill
Rmk oth magagine.png Stacked Magazines
Int cst stripesp.png Striped Cone
Int oth table lamp.png Table Lamp
Rmk oth toaster.png Toaster

For common Fg fortune 0002 cmps.pngClothing Fortune Cookies:

Rarity Trade
Clothing Items
★★★★ 30 No results
★★★ 20 No results
★★★ 10 No results
★★ 03 No results
★★ 02 No results

See Fortune Cookie Shop for more information on cookies and their items

Event Item Trade-Points

Most event items are worth very few Trade-Points, if any.

Very similar event items may not be worth the same Trade-Points.

For example:

  • Barred Knifejaw Tank is worth 5 Trade-Points
  • Spotted-Knifejaw Tank is worth 3 Trade-Points
  • Black-Clown-Fish Tank is worth 2 Trade-Points

To check the Trade-Points for event items:

  1. navigate to the items’ event from Category:Events
  2. click/tap on an event item

An event item’s Trade-Points are shown as the "Gulliver point(s)” value at the bottom of the summary box.

See Unreleased Content for more information on upcoming event items.

Craftable Furniture Trade-Points

The player can craft certain furniture items to give Gulliver for their Trade-Point value.

3-point Craftable Furniture (No Essence)

The player can craft up to 9 of these Good, “Fine” items within 6 hours, without using any essences:

Direction Theme Item Time Materials Bells
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Exotic Bench 2h 90 x Wood 2,410
South-B Elegant Banner.png Regal Clock 2h 30 x Wood, 30 x Steel 1,900
3-point Craftable Furniture (Require Essence)

The player can craft 9–18 of these Good, “Fine” items within 6 hours, but each uses 3 essences:

Direction Theme Item Time Materials Bells
North-B Hip Banner.png Egg Bench 2h 60 x Steel, 3 x Hip Essence 2,410
East-C Modern Banner.png Modern Hospital Bed 1h 30 x Steel, 30 x Cotton, 3 x Modern Essence 2,070
South-A Cool Banner.png Robo-TV 2h 60 x Steel, 3 x Hip Essence 1,830
South-B Elegant Banner.png Regal Table 1h 60 x Wood, 3 x Elegant Essence 2,040
South-B Elegant Banner.png Rococo Table 1h 30m 60 x Wood, 3 x Elegant Essence 2,060
South-B Elegant Banner.png Console Table 2h 60 x Wood, 3 x Elegant Essence 2,070
South-B Elegant Banner.png Fancy Carpet 2h 60 x Cotton, 3 x Elegant Essence 2,020
South-C Historical Banner.png Anchor 1h 30m 60 x Steel, 3 x Historical Essence 1,840
South-C Historical Banner.png Vintage Camera 1h 30m 30 x Wood, 30 x Steel, 3 x Historical Essence 1,790
West-A Sporty Banner.png Treadmill 2h 60 x Steel, 3 x Sporty Essence 2,220
5-point Craftable Furniture (No Essence)

The player can craft up to 3 of these Good, “Superlative” items, perhaps overnight, without using any essences:

Direction Theme Item Time Materials Bells
North-A Hip Banner.png Kiddie Dresser (Basic) 8h 90 x Wood, 90 x Steel 2,470
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Biwa Lute 7h 120 x Wood 1,980
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Tokonoma 10h 90 x Wood, 90 x Paper 1,820
South-C Historical Banner.png Floor Seat 10h 90 x Wood, 90 x Cotton 2,400
5-point Craftable Furniture (Require Essence)

The player can craft up to 3 of these Good, “Superlative” items, sometimes within 6 hours, but each uses 1–3 essences:

Direction Theme Item Time Materials Bells
North-A Natural Banner.png Modern Wood Closet 6h 120 x Wood, 3 x Natural Essence 2,430
North-A Natural Banner.png White Square Rug 9h 60 x Cotton, 60 x Paper, 3 x Natural Essence 1,730
North-B Hip Banner.png Marine Pop Floor 6h 120 x Paper, 3 x Hip Essence 1,790
North-B Hip Banner.png Marshmallow Chair 7h 60 x Cotton, 60 x Preserves, 3 x Hip Essence 2,000
North-B Hip Banner.png Polka-Dot Bed 8h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Hip Essence 2,280
East-A Cute Banner.png Lovely Table (Lovely Pink) 6h 20 x Steel, 26 x Wood, 1 x Cute Essence 2,450
East-A Cute Banner.png Lovely Bed 8h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Cute Essence 1,780
East-A Cute Banner.png Tree Standee 8h 120 x Wood, 3 x Cute Essence 1,950
East-A Cute Banner.png Dessert Case 9h 60 x Steel, 60 x Preserves, 3 x Cute Essence 2,020
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Hearth 6h 120 x Wood, 3 x Harmonious Essence 2,410
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Black Katana 9h 120 x Steel, 3 x Harmonious Essence 2,360
East-B Harmonious Banner.png Kotatsu 9h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Natural Essence 2,400
East-C Modern Banner.png Glass Partition 6h 30m 120 x Steel, 3 x Modern Essence 2,360
South-A Cool Banner.png Lunar Rover 6h 120 x Steel, 3 x Cool Essence 1,820
South-A Cool Banner.png Sleek Side Table 7h 60 x Steel, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Cool Essence 1,720
South-B Elegant Banner.png Chaise Lounge 6h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Elegant Essence 1,600
South-B Elegant Banner.png Aquarius Urn 7h 30m 120 x Steel, 3 x Elegant Essence 1,670
South-B Elegant Banner.png Regal Vanity 10h 30m 60 x Steel, 60 x Wood, 3 x Elegant Essence 1,940
South-C Historical Banner.png Cool Globe 7h 60 x Steel, 60 x Wood, 3 x Modern Essence 2,480
South-C Historical Banner.png Helm 6h 30m 60 x Wood, 3 x Historical Essence 2,030
South-C Historical Banner.png Pantheon Post 8h 120 x Steel, 3 x Rustic Essence 2,250
South-C Historical Banner.png Roasted Dino Meat 7h 30m 120 x Preserves, 3 x Historical Essence 1,910
West-A Sporty Banner.png Exercise Bike 6h 120 x Steel, 3 x Sporty Essence 1,610
West-A Sporty Banner.png Sleeping Bag 8h 80 x Cotton, 3 x Sporty Essence 1,840
West-A Sporty Banner.png Green Net 10h 60 x Steel, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Sporty Essence 1,740
West-B Rustic Banner.png Cabin Wall 6h 120 x Wood, 3 x Rustic Essence 1,730
West-B Rustic Banner.png Covered Wagon 9h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Rustic Essence 2,120
West-B Rustic Banner.png Cornstalks 9h 120 x Preserves, 3 x Natural Essence 2,390
West-C Civic Banner.png Table with Cloth 8h 60 x Wood, 60 x Cotton, 3 x Cool Essence 2,090
West-C Civic Banner.png White-Carpet Floor 6h 120 x Cotton, 3 x Civic Essence 2,480
West-C Civic Banner.png Science Table 10h 30m 120 x Steel, 3 x Civic Essence 1,810
10-point Craftable Furniture (High Cost)

The player can craft up to 3 of these Great, “Superlative” items per day, but each uses a large amount of materials and essences:

Direction Theme Item Time Materials Bells
North-A Natural Banner.png Neutral Floor 21h30m 150 x Wood, 4 x Natural Essence 9,800
North-B Hip Banner.png Paw-Print Wall 16h 150 x Paper, 4 x Hip Essence 9,970
East-A Cute Banner.png Pink Wood Floor 23h30m 150 x Wood, 4 x Cute Essence 10,050

Potted Flowers Trade-Points

The player can trade 10 x flowers with Lloid in their Garden for potted flowers that offer Trade-Points.

Only potted purple pansies and potted blue tulips are “Great” (10 Trade Points). Other potted 4-hour flowers are “Good” (5 Trade Points).

All non-event potted flowers influence Gulliver north, because they have the Natural (North-A) theme.

Item Trade-Points
Potted Purple Pansies 10
Potted Blue Tulips 10
Potted 4-hour flowers 5
Potted 3-hour flowers 2-3
Potted event flowers 2

Lists of Items by Direction

The player can use sortable lists to see the Trade Points for all* furniture and clothing items.

Each of these linked lists is grouped by themes which share the same direction:

Note: When items have different themes that share the same direction (e.g. both sporty & rustic items are “west”), Gulliver counts each theme separately to determine the 2 most common themes that influence the directions for his journey.

*Currently, these lists also include many items that cannot be crafted.

List of Snacks by Theme

The specific theme of each snack is a completely random selection, out of the following sets of 2 or 3 themes.

The player can influence the set of themes for each voyage by giving Gulliver certain items (to affect the 2 travel directions), then choosing a direction for Gulliver to travel:


Name Theme Friendship Points
Friendship Points
Gift ntl00.png
Plain Waffle
Natural Banner.png
2 3
Gift ntl01.png
Tasty Waffle
Natural Banner.png
6 9
Gift ntl02.png
Gourmet Waffle
Natural Banner.png
12 18
Gift pop00.png
Plain Lollipop
Hip Banner.png
2 3
Gift pop01.png
Tasty Lollipop
Hip Banner.png
6 9
Gift pop02.png
Gourmet Lollipop
Hip Banner.png
12 18


Name Theme Friendship Points
Friendship Points
Gift fun00.png
Plain Donut
Cute Banner.png
2 3
Gift fun01.png
Tasty Donut
Cute Banner.png
6 9
Gift fun02.png
Gourmet Donut
Cute Banner.png
12 18
Gift mdn00.png
Modern Banner.png
2 3
Gift mdn01.png
Tasty Cheesecake
Modern Banner.png
6 9
Gift mdn02.png
Gourmet Cheesecake
Modern Banner.png
12 18
Gift ori00.png
Plain Manju
Harmonious Banner.png
2 3
Gift ori01.png
Tasty Manju
Harmonious Banner.png
6 9
Gift ori02.png
Gourmet Manju
Harmonious Banner.png
12 18


Name Theme Friendship Points
Friendship Points
Gift ggs00.png
Plain Tart
Elegant Banner.png
2 3
Gift ggs01.png
Tasty Tart
Elegant Banner.png
6 9
Gift ggs02.png
Gourmet Tart
Elegant Banner.png
12 18
Gift coo00.png
Plain Chocolate Bar
Cool Banner.png
2 3
Gift coo01.png
Tasty Chocolate Bars
Cool Banner.png
6 9
Gift coo02.png
Gourmet Chocolate Bars
Cool Banner.png
12 18
Gift old00.png
Plain Pound Cake
Historical Banner.png
2 3
Gift old01.png
Tasty Pound Cake
Historical Banner.png
6 9
Gift old02.png
Gourmet Pound Cake
Historical Banner.png
12 18


Name Theme Friendship Points
Friendship Points
Gift spt00.png
Plain Popcorn
Sporty Banner.png
2 3
Gift spt01.png
Tasty Popcorn
Sporty Banner.png
6 9
Gift spt02.png
Gourmet Popcorn
Sporty Banner.png
12 18
Gift cnt00.png
Plain Cookie
Rustic Banner.png
2 3
Gift cnt01.png
Tasty Cookies
Rustic Banner.png
6 9
Gift cnt02.png
Gourmet Cookies
Rustic Banner.png
12 18
Gift pub00.png
Civic Banner.png
2 3
Gift pub01.png
Tasty Custard
Civic Banner.png
6 9
Gift pub02.png
Gourmet Custard
Civic Banner.png
12 18


Name Theme Friendship Points
Gift sweet00.png
Bronze Treats
Generic Banner.png
Gift sweet01.png
Silver Treats
Generic Banner.png
Gift sweet02.png
Gold Treats
Generic Banner.png