Template:Cloth Page

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This is the template used for all clothes pages.


{{Cloth Page
|name= <!-- only if different from page name -->
|animalSuitability= <!-- Yes or No -->
|difficulty= <!-- ★ -->
|favGiftGroup= <!-- see Villager Clothing Gifts page -->


<!-- for crafted clothing -->
|craftTime= <!-- in seconds -->

|reCraftTime= <!-- in seconds -->





clothType One of: Top, Bottom/Pants/Skirt, Dress, Handheld Accessory, Hat, Face Accessory, Backpiece, Shoes, Socks, or Outfit
name Used to specify the item's name if it differs from the page name.
image The image filename for the item without the presumed .png extension.
theme The displayed theme. Natural, Civic, Hip, etc...
catalogCategory The name of the category in which the item is located, in the in-game catalog.
buyingPrice The cost in bells to purchase from marketplace.
sellingPrice Selling price as a number of bells.
animalSuitability "Yes" if it can be worn by villagers, "No" otherwise.
difficulty A string consisting of a number of "★" corresponding to the rarity reported in the catalog.
favGiftGroup The group on Villager Furniture Gifts (of the form "Group 1xx") that includes this item, or "N/A".
obtain A description of how/when the item was/is obtained. To appear in the "How to Obtain" field.
event The name of the event the item is/was related to. Left blank if no event.
startDate The date on which the item became available in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
endDate The date on which the item becomes/became unavailable in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
craftTime Time required to craft, in seconds. Left blank if not crafted.
mat1 The name of the first material used to craft the item. Left blank if not crafted.
mat1Cost The number of material 1 required. Left blank if not crafted.
bells The cost in bells to craft. Left blank if not crafted.
unlock A description of how/when the ability to craft the item is unlocked. Left blank if not craftable.
reissue If a limited time item is reissued this field should describe in what manner. Usually by linking the notice or time frame. This field must have content in order for the following field to display. Left blank if no reissue.
reMat1 First material required to craft the reissue of the item.
reMat1Cost Number of material 1 required to craft the reissue of the item.
reBells The bells required to craft the reissue of the item.
reCraftTime The time in seconds required to craft the reissue of the item.
reAvailibility The availability period(s) of the reissued item, separated by <br><br>
travMat1 The name of the material needed (e.g. Leaf Ticket) when sold by Traveling Sales merchants. This field must have content in order for the other Traveling Sales-related fields to display.
travMat1Cost The number of the material needed when sold by Traveling Sales merchants. Uses mat1Cost if left blank (Useful if e.g. Traveling Sales Leaf Ticket cost is the same as the regular Leaf Ticket cost).
travDiscPercent The percentage number of discounted Traveling Sales listings. The "%" symbol is automatically added. Left blank if no discount.
audio The filename of the audio, without file type. File type assumed to be wav. If this field has content, the page is automatically added to Category:Clothing with Sound Effects. Used if the item has an equip sound different from the default one.
audDesc A description of the special equip sound.
trivia Any note about the item that is otherwise unfit for the other fields.

This template defines the table "Clothing". View table.