Template:Class Page

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This is the template used for all class pages.


{{Class Page
|type= <!-- Normal or Event -->
|difficulty= <!-- Easy Normal or Hard -->
|classCost= <!-- Only needed if not HH Voucher -->
|passRew= <!-- Only needed if not HH Material -->


image Class thumbnail image provided by datamine.
class Course and class number, e.g.: 2-1
villager The name of the villager associated with this class.
type A class is either Normal or Event.
event The name of the event the class is linked to if applicable.
startDate The first date the class is available. Format YYYY-MM-DD
endDate The last date the class is available. Format YYYY-MM-DD
reStartDate The first date the class is reissued. Format YYYY-MM-DD
reEndDate The last date the class is reissued. Format YYYY-MM-DD
difficulty Difficulty level of the class
catalogCategory The catalog category that the *majority* of items in the class come from.
theme The main theme of the class, e.g.: Cute, Cool, Historical, etc.
classCost The type of currency required to start the class.
passRew The reward for passing the class for the first time.
medal1Req Points required to clear the first medal
medal2Req Points required to clear the second medal
medal3Req Points required to clear the third medal
perfScore The total points achievable from using all correct "On-Point" items.
medal1RewAmt Bells received for clearing the first medal
medal2RewAmt Bells received for clearing the first medal
medal3RewAmt Bells received for clearing the third medal
The "On-Point" items required to receive a perfect score.
specImage Image with the required item type icons depicted and their placement in the room.
compImage Completed class image with all the correct on-point items.

This template defines the table "Class". View table.