Talk:Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki

From Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Wiki
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Hello contributors! Thank you for maintaining this helpful resource!

Please list the style label of each piece of favorite furniture of the animal campers?

With the new Gulliver game, we have to guess a furniture item they will like.

Probably clues are given by the items that they require before visiting our main campsite.

Previous AC games also followed a pattern of knowing the favorite items and clothing of each animal neighbor.

Thank you!

Currently there is different dialogue depending on whether you chose the 'correct' item, but that is the only thing that is impacted. You have the same random chance of receiving the item yourself, as well as the same reward materials and amounts, regardless of which furniture item you pick. (And you may be given 3 choices with none of them being a favorite item either) I'll add it to my to-do list, but it may be a while before I can get to it. Dr isley (talk) 09:01, 29 April 2018 (UTC)

As in previous AC games, players must know each animal's established favorites to pick new items as gifts. Favorite items aren't presented, but items with the same style tag as known favorites are presented. 4-30-18

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Hello contributors! Thank you for this wonderful page!

This page helps me and my Pokemori playing friends on Facebook each and every day!

Can you believe they call it Pokemori in Japan?! :O

Here's some info that hasn't been entered on the page so far; hope it helps!

Dawn Tee has the Harmonious style, favorite clothing style of Pietro

Barber Tee has the Hip style, favorite clothing style of Twiggy

Blossom Tee has the Cute style, favorite clothing style of Bob

Chef's Outfit has the Civic style, favorite clothing style of Merengue

Thank you!