Silver Hermit Crab

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Garden Creature
Silver Hermit Crab
Ev animal 111 00.png
Catalog Category
Tropical Festival
Sells For

How to Obtain

Obtained during Orville's Tropical Festival.

The flower required and the related spawn/capture percentage for the Silver Hermit Crab are as follows:

Flower Spawn Percentage

Capture Percentage

Ev flower 060 01.png Yellow Island Hibiscus % %



Name Theme Catalog Category Size How to Obtain
Car rug other gar49 sandybeach cmps.png
Sandy Beach Rug
Natural Banner.png
Conch Shell Cove 10x10 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Pascal's Conch Shell Cove event:
  • Complete task 3-8: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x45
Int gar38 bench cmps.png
Tropical Concert Bench
Natural Banner.png
Tropical Festival 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Orville's Tropical Festival event:
  • Complete task 3-5: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x20
  • Complete task 2-14: Collect Cerulean Hermit Crab x120
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Yellow Island Hibiscus x60
Int gar38 guitar cmps.png
Tropical Steel Guitar
Natural Banner.png
Tropical Festival 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Orville's Tropical Festival event:
  • Complete task 3-8: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x45
  • Complete task 4-11: Collect Gold Hermit Crab x70
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Yellow Island Hibiscus x100
Int gar38 stage1 cmps.png
Red Tropical Stage
Natural Banner.png
Tropical Festival 8x8 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Orville's Tropical Festival event:
  • Complete task 4-8: Collect Gold Hermit Crab x40
  • Complete task 3-13: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x90
Int gar38 torch cmps.png
Tropical Concert Torch
Natural Banner.png
Tropical Festival 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Orville's Tropical Festival event:
  • Complete task 1-1: Collect Coral Hermit Crab x1
  • Complete task 1-10: Collect Coral Hermit Crab x60
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Cerulean Hermit Crab x24
  • Complete task 4-3: Collect Gold Hermit Crab x6
  • Complete task 1-12: Collect Coral Hermit Crab x80
  • Complete task 3-9: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x50
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Red Island Hibiscus x50
Int gar38 wal2 cmps.png
Yellow Hibiscus Hedge
Natural Banner.png
Tropical Festival 4x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Orville's Tropical Festival event:
  • Complete task 3-1: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x1
  • Complete task 4-6: Collect Gold Hermit Crab x24
  • Complete task 3-11: Collect Silver Hermit Crab x70
  • Complete task 4-9: Collect Gold Hermit Crab x50
Int gar49 groveA cmps.png
White Shell Statue
Natural Banner.png
Conch Shell Cove 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Pascal's Conch Shell Cove event:
  • Complete task 1-1: Collect White Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x1
  • Complete task 1-6: Collect White Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x32
  • Complete task 1-12: Collect White Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x80
  • Complete task 3-9: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x50
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden White Shell-Daisy x50
Int gar49 groveB cmps.png
Cream Shell Statue
Natural Banner.png
Conch Shell Cove 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Pascal's Conch Shell Cove event:
  • Complete task 3-1: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x1
  • Complete task 3-5: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x20
  • Complete task 2-12: Collect Yellow Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x80
  • Complete task 4-9: Collect Gold Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x50
  • Trade with Lloid in the garden Peach Shell-Daisy x50
Int gar49 hotelA cmps.png
Blue Conch Cottage
Natural Banner.png
Conch Shell Cove 6x6 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Pascal's Conch Shell Cove event:
  • Complete task 4-8: Collect Gold Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x40
  • Complete task 3-13: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x90
Int gar49 lamp cmps.png
Seashell Floor Lamp
Natural Banner.png
Conch Shell Cove 2x2 Obtained in the following way(s) during the Pascal's Conch Shell Cove event:
  • Complete task 2-1: Collect Yellow Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x1
  • Complete task 2-6: Collect Yellow Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x24
  • Complete task 4-1: Collect Gold Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x1
  • Complete task 4-4: Collect Gold Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x10
  • Complete task 3-11: Collect Silver Hermit Crab (Conch Shell Cove) x70


  • None