Friend Finder

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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Friend Finder is a web mini game event released on November 15, 2017 and active until November 21, 2017 by Nintendo to promote the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp mobile game. Participating and linking a Nintendo account awarded 200 myNintendo Points while successfully collecting all the game items rewarded the player with 4 special wallpapers.

Friend Finder can be found at the following link:

How to Play

At the start of the game, the player is asked by Isabelle to take a quiz, with the questions asked by Katrina. The quiz consists of 2-3 questions with 4 options (2 options on the third question if received) and determines the player's best animal friend out of a pool of 17 different animal friends. This animal friend will be the featured animal for the duration of the game and will also be the animal featured on the wallpaper rewards.

After choosing an animal friend, the player then must collect various items in four different locations in order to obtain the wallpapers. These items are obtained as daily log-in rewards as well as via share links from other players through social media such as Twitter. A player can also share their own items they obtain with other players as well. These share links can only be claimed by 10 other players and no longer reward the item after being fully claimed.

Upon finding all the items in a certain area, visit Katrina again to obtain the wallpaper.

Katrina's Quiz Questions

Katrina will ask for the player's birthday, followed by 2-3 questions. The following questions are all possible questions that Katrina can ask. The questions themselves do not affect which animal friend a player will get, but the combination of the options does. For example, to get Jay, you will always select the first option on the first question and the third option on the second question. See the villager section for more details.

First Question

Question Possible Answers
Imagine you're in a fishing tournament. What's your first catch?
  • A shark.
  • A squid.
  • A red snapper.
  • A horse mackerel.
You found something great at a garage sale. What is it?
  • A desk.
  • A work of art.
  • A pair of sunglasses.
  • A cool shirt.
You've gone back in time to your childhood. What season is it?
  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Autumn
You are on a journey. You can hear water rushing in the distance. What is making the sound?
  • A tap.
  • A waterfall.
  • An ocean.
  • A river.
You have a fruit tree growing in your imaginary yard. What kind of fruit grows in it?
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
A friend gives you a seed. You plaint it in your garden. What blooms?
  • A violet.
  • A cosmos.
  • A rose.
  • A tulip.
You decide to do some mining at the quarry. What mineral do you unearth first?
  • Emerald
  • Amethyst
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
You spot a distant mountain. How would you describe it?
  • Pointy
  • Snowy
  • Triangular
  • Smooth

Second Question

Question Possible Answers
You hop in a car with a friend and hit the road. Where do you go?
  • The mountains.
  • The city.
  • The ocean.
  • The river.
You're building your dream house. Decsribe it in one word.
  • Sporty
  • Cool
  • Cute
  • Natural
You can upgrade one item in your home. What do you choose?
  • The bed.
  • A lamp.
  • A table.
  • A chair.
You have a reservation at a fancy restaurant. How many other people are dining with you?
  • 6
  • 2
  • 8
  • 4
You bought a new stuffed animal. What size is it?
  • Medium
  • Small
  • Extra Large
  • Large
You've decided to paint your bedroom. What colour do you choose?
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • Yellow
You found a treasure map! Which way is the treasure?
  • North
  • West
  • South
  • East
Which animals do you visit first at the zoo?
  • Lions
  • Penguins
  • Elephants
  • Zebras

Third Question

When the game loads, there is a random chance that predetermines if Katrina will ask you a third question. If a player gets this chance, regardless of the options selected on the first two questions, Katrina will ask the following third question. This question is linked to getting Kid Cat as the player's animal friend if the "Fight back!" is selected while "Run away!" will select the animal friend based on the first two questions.

Question Possible Answers
An alien is attacking your city! What do you do?
  • Fight back!
  • Run away!

Determining if Katrina Will Ask the Third Question

It is possible using Google Chrome's Inspector or similar tool of choice to see if Katrina will ask the player the third question. If a player right-clicks the game and selects Inspect, a player will be shown the HTML code of the game. A player will want to find the <ul> elements in the code.

Typically, Katrina will only ask two questions which means only the following will show up in the code:

<ul class="answer-1">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-1-1">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-2">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-2-1">...</ul>

However, a third <ul> option will appear if Katrina will ask a third question which will appear in the code:

<ul class="answer-1">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-1-1">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-2">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-2-1">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-3">...</ul>
<ul class="answer-3-1">...</ul>

If a player wants Kid Cat, it is possible to keep refreshing the game until the Inspect code shows this third option, guaranteeing that Katrina will ask the third question to get Kid Cat as the player's animal friend.


These are the 17 villagers that a player can get as their animal friend in Friend Finder as well as their descriptions.

It also includes which answers you need to select to get that villager. Which villager you get is dependent on what combination of answers you select and not the questions themselves. For example, to get Jay, you will always select the first option on the first question and the third option on the second question.

Villager Description Quiz Answers
Apollo Icon.png
You are a perfectionist. You do things the right way, the first time...and you have no time for people who don't.

Well, that makes you a great match for Apollo!

The two of you will find great joy in correcting others and protecting the lawns of the world from rampaging kids.

  • First Question - Second Option
  • Second Question - First Option
Bitty Icon.png
You have eyes as sharp as your intuition. You make your own sound judgments, and you don't let others influence your sense of self.

People often compliment your astute nature, and strangers tend to find you cool and mysterious.

It sounds like Bitty is the perfect animal pal for you! Her friendship definitely compliments your quirky character. She'll surely support your unique opinions and sense of individuality.

  • First Question - Fourth Option
  • Second Question - Second Option
Charlise Icon.png
You're a dreamer who never sees limitations. Rather, you challenge the limits. You travel far and wide chasing your goals while still maintaining close friendships.

With so many goals in mind, do you ever find yourself having trouble choosing what to accomplish next?

If this is the case, then Charlise would be your perfect animal pal... She will surely encourage you to achieve your dreams and try all sorts of new things!

  • First Question - Fourth Option
  • Second Question - Fourth Option
Cherry Icon.png
You're a true leader, and that seems to be the unanimous opinion amongst those who follow your lead!

Your fiery personality allows you to take charge of any situation, regardless of the obstacles you may face, but you're also sensitive enough to win over the hearts of your companions.

It sounds like Cherry is the perfect animal pal for you! She shares your passion for taking charge of difficult situations and will help you nurture your sense of benevolence.

  • First Question - Fourth Option
  • Second Question - Third Option
Chrissy Icon.png
You're someone with a big heart, who's capable of taking on any challenge. If there was ever a movie made about you, it would totally be an inspirational biopic. As someone who appreciates even the smallest of life's pleasures, you have the ability to turn the stubbornest frown upside down. So it's no surprise that your animal soulmate is Chrissy! Together, you'll spread that joie de vivre to everyone you meet...whether they like or not!
  • First Question - Third Option
  • Second Question - Fourth Option
Eloise Icon.png
You have a knack for taking control of even the trickiest of situations.

You're constantly surrounded by those who admire your decisiveness and commanding presence.

These traits make Eloise your perfect animal companion! She'll appreciate when you take charge, backing you up every step of the way!

  • First Question - Fourth Option
  • Second Question - First Option
Fauna Icon.png
There has never been an obstacle that you were unable to overcome. You're always ready for any challenge, but have no qualms about crediting part of your success to a fair bit of luck.

Don't you often find yourself curious, if not eager, to know what adventures fate will send your way next?

Then there's no doubt that Fauna was destined to be the animal for you! You both embrace life's mysteries, and happily navigate their practical implications. Together, you two will go far!

  • First Question - Third Option
  • Second Question - Second Option
Filbert Icon.png
Your unique personality and laid-back attitude are nothing short of legendary. If you condensed all of your personal tenets into a book, you'd probably have a bestseller on your hands.

But let's be honest - that would take a lot of work! Instead, you'd rather kick back, relax, and think way too much about grilled cheese sandwiches.

For all these reasons and more, Filbert is the animal for you. Not only does he also like grilled cheese, he's also got a lot to say about waffles.

  • First Question - Second Option
  • Second Question - Third Option
Goldie Icon.png
You are a sensitive individual who is constantly moved by beauty and kindness. You don't spend hours pondering the meaning of life, but, instead, if there is beauty in it.

With your head always up in the clouds, sometimes it's hard to focus on the immediate concerns of those around you.

That's why Goldie is your perfect animal companion. Her open mind and artistic spirit make her an ideal partner in your neverending search for inspiration.

  • First Question - Third Option
  • Second Question - First Option
Hamlet Icon.png
Like a bear cub, you don't yet know your own strength. And that's why your ideal best friend is someone who can help you grow into a ferocious bear...capable of doing 1,000 squats.

Well, warm up those quads, because Hamlet is coming to visit! He'll be your bro through thick and thin, weak and swole.

  • First Question - First Option
  • Second Question - Fourth Option
Jay Icon.png
Like a bear cub, you don't yet know your own strength. And that's why your ideal best friend is someone who can help you grow into a ferocious bear...capable of doing 1,000 squats.

Well, warm up those quads, because Jay is coming to visit! He'll be your bro through thick and thin, weak and swole.

  • First Question - First Option
  • Second Question - Third Option
Kid Cat Icon.png
Kid Cat
Like a bear cub, you don't yet know your own strength. And that's why your ideal best friend is someone who can help you grow into a ferocious bear...capable of doing 1,000 squats.

Well, warm up those quads, because Kid Cat is coming to visit! He'll be your bro through thick and thin, weak and swole.

  • Katrina rarely and randomly asks a third question asking about what do you do if an alien is attacking your city. Select the "Fight back!" option to get Kid Cat as your villager.
Kyle Icon.png
You are the brightest start in the night sky, and as such, you require a best friend who shines nearly as brightly.

Enter Kyle! His boundless energy is only exceeded by his appetite for luxury goods and vintage collectibles.

Rest assured that if you ever say something silly, he will be there to say something evne sillier. You won't be the center of attention with Kyle around, but sometimes that's a good thing.

  • First Question - First Option
  • Second Question - Second Option
Marshal Icon.png
You are the brightest start in the night sky, and as such, you require a best friend who shines nearly as brightly.

Enter Marshal! His boundless energy is only exceeded by his appetite for luxury goods and vintage collectibles.

Rest assured that if you ever say something silly, he will be there to say something evne sillier. You won't be the center of attention with Marshal around, but sometimes that's a good thing.

  • First Question - First Option
  • Second Question - First Option
Peewee Icon.png
You are a perfectionist. You do things the right way, the first time...and you have no time for people who don't.

Well, that makes you a great match for Peewee!

The two of you will find great joy in correcting others and protecting the lawns of the world from rampaging kids.

  • First Question - Second Option
  • Second Question - Second Option
Punchy Icon.png
People often describe you as obsessive, fastidious, and crippingly analytical. Once you start something, it doesn't matter how pointless the endeavour, you won't stop until it's perfection.

When everyone around you is sharing jokes and taking it easy, you can't help but wonder, "Is this what fun looks like?"

And that's why you need Punchy in your life. He's the loyal type that'll blindly support you in all that you do, but his chill demeanour will help you take the edge off.

  • First Question - Second Option
  • Second Question - Fourth Option
Rosie Icon.png
You are larger than life and beloved by all! Of course, under all that pizzazz lies a loving heart, and a smile for anyone who crosses your path.

You know the world is a beautiful place, and you refuse to take it for granted. You're grateful for every day and and every person you get to meet.

That's why Rosie is your animal soulmate! Her energy, positivity, and enthusiasm is contagious...if not exhausting. Together, the two of you could take over the world!

  • First Question - Third Option
  • Second Question - Third Option


There are four locations a player can move to in the game where they will need to collect various items. The locations and items needed to collect at each location are as follows:

Location Items
Campsite Tent, Table, Bench
Market Place Lamp, TV, Clothing
OK Motors Camper Van, Tires, Paint
Forest Peach, Carp*, Cherries

*Although the Friend Finder game calls the item a Carp, the fish image used is actually the Koi in Pocket Camp.


In order to unlock wallpapers, a player must collect all the items in each location. Not all items, however, were unlockable at the start of the game with some items only releasing days after the start of Friend Finder's announcement.

Day Items Unlocked
Items Unlocked Day 1 Lamp, Bench, Peaches, Tent, Camper Van
Item Unlocked Day 2 Table, TV, Carp, Tires
Item Unlocked Day 3 Clothing
Item Unlocked Day 4 Paint
Item Unlocked Day 5 Cherries


These are the wallpapers obtained from the game. There are four different backgrounds that can be obtained with the player's chosen animal friend in the center, totaling 68 different wallpapers.

Villager Campsite Wallpaper
Market Place Wallpaper
OK Motors Wallpaper
Forest Wallpaper
Apollo Icon.png
ACPC FF Apollo Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Apollo Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Apollo OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Apollo Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Bitty Icon.png
ACPC FF Bitty Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Bitty Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Bitty OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Bitty Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Charlise Icon.png
ACPC FF Charlise Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Charlise Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Charlise OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Charlise Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Cherry Icon.png
ACPC FF Cherry Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Cherry Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Cherry OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Cherry Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Chrissy Icon.png
ACPC FF Chrissy Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Chrissy Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Chrissy OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Chrissy Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Eloise Icon.png
ACPC FF Eloise Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Eloise Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Eloise OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Eloise Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Fauna Icon.png
ACPC FF Fauna Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Fauna Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Fauna OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Fauna Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Filbert Icon.png
ACPC FF Filbert Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Filbert Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Filbert OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Filbert Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Goldie Icon.png
ACPC FF Goldie Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Goldie Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Goldie OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Goldie Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Hamlet Icon.png
ACPC FF Hamlet Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Hamlet Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Hamlet OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Hamlet Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Jay Icon.png
ACPC FF Jay Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Jay Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Jay OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Jay Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Kid Cat Icon.png
Kid Cat
ACPC FF Kid Cat Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kid Cat Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kid Cat OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kid Cat Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Kyle Icon.png
ACPC FF Kyle Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kyle Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kyle OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Kyle Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Marshal Icon.png
ACPC FF Marshal Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Marshal Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Marshal OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Marshal Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Peewee Icon.png
ACPC FF Peewee Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Peewee Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Peewee OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Peewee Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Punchy Icon.png
ACPC FF Punchy Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Punchy Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Punchy OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Punchy Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg
Rosie Icon.png
ACPC FF Rosie Campsite Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Rosie Market Place Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Rosie OK Motors Wallpaper.jpg ACPC FF Rosie Lost Lure Creek Wallpaper.jpg